Rudi - the rocking rolling rock
Julie F Potts
Rudi is a rough little rock who lives on a busy beach. Claude and Clara Crab store food in his pockets. Baza the Bream and Spud the Swordfish play with Rudi in the waves. And Winston the Whale tells him stories of deep-sea adventures. What more could a little rock ask for?
But sometimes, Rudi does want more. He wants to be like the smooth rocks who are the coolest of them all. “You are rough and bumpy and smelly,” they tell him, as they rumble and tumble him in the surf. “Who would want to be like you?”
Rudi’s friends are upset and want to help. But it’s Crazy Gran, Miss Ellie and the Jordmeister who help Rudi discover what makes him special.
A quirky and uplifting seaside tale about friendship, rejection and belonging.
About the Author
Author Julie F Potts has a quirky name for whatever pops up on her peculiar path and a zany zest for all things sea-sloshed or garden-gloried. Look out for upcoming stories about Winston the Wandering Whale and his pickles with plastic, or Grubby Granny with her bezoodles of buzzing bees. Pottsie cultivates purple carrots and white watermelons, and celebrates the weird and the wonder-full. She auctioned off several grandchildren to publish this book.
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