This is an incredibly detailed and accurate account of one man’s experiences as a National Service soldier in the British army during the 1950’s.
From the early days as a new and inexperienced recruit who was somewhat reluctant to leave home, it follows his journey through basic training and then half way around the world to the battlefronts of the Korean War. On arrival in Korea he was assigned to the Counter Bombardment Troop, a division of the Royal Artillery and mobilised to the conflict zone. The seasons and battle conditions in Korea varied considerably during his time, including the ceasefire and ensuing tense standoff which is still present today. The author has written this book six decades after the events which makes the accuracy even more impressive. He has also been able to include some original photographs which add immense value to the historical record this book creates.
This book is sure to bring back memories to anyone who was in Korea at the time, and will be of interest to the descendants of Korean War Veterans, as it tells the story of the day to day army life and not just the battles.
This is an important part of the history of the Commonwealth and the United Nations and their efforts to maintain peace and order in the world, which does not always turn out the way it was intended. The efforts, suffering and sacrifices of the people involved in these events must not be forgotten.
Mike was born in Cornwall in southern England during the 1930’s. He grew up on a farm in the area during World War 2 and has many fond memories of his childhood, despite the challenges he and his family faced. He served his compulsory national service as a young adult and has written this book about his experiences in the Royal Artillery including the Korean War. A short time after his return, he chose to travel instead of pursuing an academic career, a move he says was largely inspired by his time in the army. He spent a few years in Canada before returning to England and then travelling to Australia where he has lived ever since.