Deeper Insight into Bible Related Matters Concerning
God Himself, His Only-Begotten Son Jesus and His Child,
YHVH the only true God is indeed a revealer of deep and mysterious things. Clear evidence of that is provided throughout the entire length of this book. The reason our Creator is now shedding much more light unto His Word, the Bible, is because He knows exactly where His child, humanity, is positioned within the frame of time. And since He knows His child is already within very close range of a new era it is as though He is now telling it that it has nearly outgrown its current stage of development and thus needs to be prepared for the next one – the great messianic kingdom.
This book reaches beyond most people’s biblical understanding as it deals with Bible subject matter many of us would really like to know so much more about. It goes for instance to extraordinary length in explaining the inner nature of man, getting into this particular subject even to such extent as to sort of ‘taking the invisible and making it visible to us’ and is in this fashion giving structure to it. And in point of fact, a greater understanding of the inward man or inner nature of man will then also result in a heightened awareness of many other Bible topics, including of those this book is dealing with which are topics that range from matters related to the Adam and Eve story, the power of Jesus Christ’s blood to subjects such as the Holy Spirit, the bride, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven, just to name a few.
This book will no doubt greatly contribute to a much
deeper understanding of the Bible as a whole and of God’s
divine plan for humankind in particular.
When YHVH the only true God and Father in heaven desires
to reveal matters of great importance to His children –
us, and judging by the content of the author’s book that
is clearly the case right now, He will find a way to get
their attention. To make sure His children will take Him
and His messages serious, He chose one of them - a lowly
one – as His instrument through which to convey His
eye-opening messages to ‘all’ His children. This, in a
nutshell, is what happened to the author of this book. She
got no title, no degrees, almost nothing to her name. Yet
God saw ‘something’ in her that perfectly suited His
purpose and so used her as an instrument to reveal things
to us through her. And this ‘something’ God saw in her has
more to do with her inner nature than with outward
appearance and social status, because God does not care
about such things. Our Creator surely knows how to go
about things, He knows how to get our attention.