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Love, Life & ANZAC Biscuits

Barham J. R. Ferguson

A magnificent collection of poetry from the author of A Feeling of Belonging, that reaches out to everyone in their own special way. With a foreword written by retired Lieutenant General Peter Leahy, this book gives the reader a sound and easily understood companion as they transit through some of life’s major events, particularly from an Australian point of view, not just a soldier’s. Australian or not, military or not, Love, Life and ANZAC Biscuits will be treasured by many, for a very long time.

“Barham Ferguson ... is a modern war poet. He shares his emotions,
his thoughts and his hopes with us. To our benefit his collection is
not just about his military experiences.”

Peter Leahy, Lieutenant General (retired)


About the Author

Barham Ferguson was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1968. After completing secondary school at St Patrick’s College, Ballaarat, he enlisted in the Australian Regular Army. Commissioned at the Royal Military College, Duntroon, Barham has served on operations in Bougainville, Southern Thailand, Iraq and Afghanistan. Barham’s first book A Feeling of Belonging, was published in 1999. Barham remains in the service of his country in Canberra, where he resides with his daughter Isobel.


















Love, Life & ANZAC Biscuits by Barham J. R. Ferguson
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ISBN: 9781922022523
Format: Paperback / ebook
Extent: 144 pages
RRP: $24.95
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: War poetry, Australian.
Distribution: Contact Vivid