If only, like the four-eyed fish, you could see both above and below the surface of the world you dwell in. But most of us skim the surface of our lives, failing to see what’s hidden beneath.
Cal has his fishing and an honest job. His wife, Fran, has her nursing gig. And their two children, Lennie and Tom, are living their high-school dreams.
But one hot, steamy weekend on the Gold Coast, the Lawson family confront not only their own limitations and failings but a tragedy that will force them into the murky depths of what lies below.
Their lives—once routines and habits like a tight ball of wool—unravel into straggly, loose ends.
The tragedy that becomes their personal story could be anyone’s.
Because a family that stays together can stray together...
Rachel Daniels is a wife and mother of two living in her forever place, the Gold Coast, Australia. She works by day as a doctor specialising in General practice and by night, fulfilling her passion for writing. She enjoys the complexities of the human condition and the challenges which many people face, through her experiences in both her career and her own life. She loves her two dogs, and the many that have preceded them, which is why in any piece she writes, there will always be a dog as one of the integral characters.
She thanks the many wonderful publishers overseas whom she sent her first written manuscript to at the age of 8 years, hand-written in for exercise books (stuck together) for their words of wisdom. ‘You are clearly a young lady with a lot of passion for writing, keep it up!’ Because it was with these words that she did keep writing, and has enjoyed every part of the journey ever since.