"An important and worthy book."
A beautiful cover, conveying the grayness of life after loss, when the color seems to drain out of our world. Author has chosen well. The grieving need this book for its messages of love and support, and particularly for the author’s wisdom in advising self-care.
It is smart to encourage the reader to say, “I don’t know what you’re going through…” in order to avoid any sense of closing off in the emotional grieving person who takes expressions of relating as hollow. Well done.
Photo pairings stand out, emphasizing the beautiful messages in the book. Writing letters to the departed is a wonderful and very useful suggestion, another of the author’s craft in multi-layering action steps to be taken. The book is designed for equal use in reading straight through, or in the much-appreciated strength of being able to open the book to any page for a boost. Author’s empathy for the grieving, who may be able to process only in small bites, is stellar. Small messages may be all they can do.
The book flows nicely, leading us to a perfect last page. I enjoyed the reader’s lyrical writing voice and warmth. We find so much compassion here, especially valuable in those days and weeks after the loss when loved ones may seem to ‘go quiet’ and get on about their lives. This book takes away the loneliness, serving as a supportive friend when none are around, especially in the darkest night hours when the loss may be deeply felt. Well done. An important and worthy book, and in its giving a way for loved ones to support from a distance. A standout in this competition.
– 25th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
Antoinette Koutsomihalis has a Bachelor of Arts (Welfare Studies) degree from the University of Western Sydney and has been in the welfare, youth work and therapy fields for 20 years.
After the loss of both her parents and during her treatment for breast cancer she felt propelled to write “I don’t know what to say but...Grief and Loss” to inspire and support others.
Antoinette has a keen interest in the Arts and travel having lived in London and explored the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States of America to the Amazon Jungle in Peru.
Antoinette is currently a Managing Director, Reiki and Traditional therapist and freelance writer who lives in Mt Annan NSW Australia.
If you wish to contact Antoinette her email toni_1974@hotmail.com or you can find her on her Facebook author page https://www.facebook.com/Antoinette-Koutsomihalis