These are the life stories of ten Aboriginal people talking about where they grew up and their experiences before coming to Mt. Druitt.
They have had many adventures, and speak of pain and joy, hope and despair, with humour, anger and expressiveness. You will read of the variety of backgrounds of people from a larger Aboriginal community,
an important part of Mt. Druitt’s population.
I recorded these stories over several years from 2000 to 2006 as a part of a larger research project with the help of Frank Doolan, Melanie Marne and others. The author’s words were transcribed exactly as spoken. They approved the edited version of their accounts and provided photographs.
It is hoped that more such recordings can be made to extend the written history of a people who have often suffered from not being known in the past.
Stories by:
Margaret Daily
Greg Simms
Rita Wright
Manuel Ebsworth
Leonie Tai (Ebsworth)
Billy Pittman
Janice Taylor
Fred Reid
Jenny Ebsworth
Danny Eastwood
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