‘Jesus Said’ is a journey through the mind of a master as
he criticizes religion, atheism, magic and the modern
world. There are loads of laughs along the way, with a
sprinkling of short verses and parables. Though optimistic
in tone, it challenges religious ideas about faith, and is
not a good choice for the uneducated or faint-hearted
reader: Amicus Jesus, sed magis amicus veritas (Jesus is
my friend, but a greater friend is truth).
Though it makes no claims to be prophecy, it is a modern
take on the enlightenment religions/philosophies referred
to as Gnosticism, or Hermeticism, or Western Zen, and it
represents a philosophical coming-of-age for the author.
The humour is mature, but forgiving; this is an author
with many friends in different religions and in different
walks of life.
Most of the wisdom in this book is the ‘everyday’ sort,
but we think you’ll remember the laughs and the bits you
took as comfort. Perhaps this is how the ancient masters
would’ve wanted things to be...
Eduardo Trissus lives almost far enough from Melbourne
with his ex-wife’s cat Diddums, whom he doubts is really
better company than the ex-wife – except on the most
general terms – notwithstanding anything he has said
He already has twice as much paid work as anyone alive he
has ever envied.
Occasionally he enjoys abstaining from both food and sleep
for a while.
Jesus H. Podmore is an enigmatic figure who was last seen
at a busy international airport with his favourite
suitcase and a big grin.