The world over, organisations structure their business plans around vision, mission, and values statements. However, these are not economic words! They are motivational words that describe qualities of spirit – important for wellbeing, and to reach our potential. Yet how many organisations include the fostering of spirit in their processes?
Spirit is the essence of life itself. We all experience it. It is the inspiration behind sustainable creativity and innovation. It helps us empty our busy minds and enjoy moments of happiness, wonderment, a feeling of oneness with the universe. Some refer to it as being in the zone. Empathy, and meaning are qualities of spirit. In the last few decades, neuroscientists have made significant discoveries about its inner workings.
This book takes us on a journey through different spheres of life. Through various concepts, we get to know each sphere and move between their physical, relational, and metaphysical dimensions. We do this every day of our lives, but this time we become more aware of each layer as we get to know them by their names and traits.
Within these pages, there are treasure troves of experiences, different ways of knowing, being, and doing, waiting to be unlocked… and the keys are there in plain sight.
Sandra Krempl has worked internationally as a broadcaster, writer, artistic director, researcher, cultural planner, community engagement facilitator, and sustainability practitioner. In Australia, she was the CEO of several arts and environmental organisations, successfully navigating them through major transitions. Sandra attributes her greatest life learnings to her diverse heritage, and opportunities to live and work in Southeast Asia, the USA, UK, the Pacific, and Australia. Sandra is the founder of Espiri Tiva, and has a PhD in sustainability, with a focus on spirituality and the natural environment.