To the sea they ran, and so began the most unlikely tale: A girl and a hound, horizon-bound, as their little boat set sail.
Layla loves to sail the seven seas and she does this all by herself. But one day, while visiting port, she finds a little dog who is flea-bitten and lonely. Soon Layla and Fred are a team, living the sea-faring dream. But every adventure has an end, and sometimes you have to say goodbye to your very best friend. There is a time to weep, and a time to sail again on the ocean deep.
A delightful rhyming story for adventurous children, companionable dogs, and friends who must say goodbye.
About the Authors
For many years employed as a humanitarian by the UN, Daniel Clarke is passionate about making the world a better place. Daniel was born in the UK, lived in Africa for nearly ten years and is currently based in Australia. Three children and a dog keep him busy, but there’s always room for another adventure. Daniel knows all about the making and breaking of bonds that go with the wayfaring life. His daughter, Layla, who helped write Layla the Sailor, combines an intrepid spirit with a big heart and a love of the ocean. They hope their story will inspire others to embrace the travelling life, rich in discovery, and often demanding both courage and independence.
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