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Sales Objections

David Jackson

From obstacles to opportunities

Do you want to learn how to handle customer objections positively and confidently?

Do you need help in picking the right words and phrases to persuade people and close more sales?

Ever found yourself looking at your customer and you had nothing to say?

Most salespeople face these and many other challenges daily.

A fact I learnt many years ago was that, if they didn’t object, they didn’t buy! “All sales start with the word NO”, says Jeffrey Gitomer in his wonderful book “The Sales Bible”.

When an objection comes, this is where you either ‘turn on’ or ‘give up’ the opportunity being offered to you. To be successful in this most exciting industry of sales and customer service, we all must learn how to turn a NO into a YES….in a non-confrontational way. When we do this confidently and often, a sale can be made.

‘Sales Objections: From Obstacles to Opportunities’ is dedicated to those millions who are in the people business and who fear the word NO, and don’t understand that when a customer tells you NO, what they are really saying is “not yet” or KNOW… tell me more, I need more information in order to make a valued decision.

Professional salespeople don’t take NO for an answer. They challenge the validity of it and do their best to put reason into why the NO should be changed to a YES in a non-confrontational manner.
‘Sales Objections: From Obstacles to Opportunities’ will deliver to you many time-tested and proven techniques and tactics designed to increase your confidence and competence in this skill of managing customer concerns successfully.


About the Author

David Jackson will enhance your organisation’s prime resource – your people, taking them to the next level.
David is sincere, humorous and energetic. He succeeds in getting massive audience participation in his workshop experiences whilst enjoying the process and putting FUN back into work. David is a former world sales champion.

Since 1985, David has spoken professionally in USA, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Samoa and Taiwan.
David is a motivated enthusiastic believer in people and their natural ability to improve and enjoy more of what they now do and has a passion for what calls “Level 10” living. He has shared his optimistic message with over 250,000 people at all levels and in over 20 different industries. He is known as the “Sales Doctor”.

David’s message is simple – “You are what you wish to become”.
Your people will be enriched by his words and his success game plans. David is committed to his profession.
David is a:
Certified Speaking Professional with the Professional Speakers Association of Australia and USA
Produced/written over 9 Best Selling DVD programs
Numerous eBooks on Sales & Communication Skills
A Certified Learning Professional

David Jackson CSP
Speaker | Sales Coach | Author




Sales Objections: From obstacles to opportunities by David jackson
ISBN: 978-1-922409-06-5
Format: eBook
Extent: 64 pages
RRP: $4.99USD
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Non-Fiction -- Sales Strategies
Distribution: -- currently unavailable --