Vivid Publishing - Book Publishers Australia

Spirit / Fall

Brendan Lloyd

Book One: Spirit

VYuri Vyslanets was an ordinary man – or was he? A mysterious voice unexpectedly communicates with him, informing him of the existence of the ‘Invisible God’ and revealing deep and meaningful wisdom from some unseen reality.
The Nameless Spirit entrusts Yuri with a rather ambitious mission of profound significance, a mission made all the more difficult by mortality.
If the Invisible God is real, the realization of His eternal presence could be a true revelation!


About the Author

Living in Adelaide, South Australia, Brendan Lloyd is the author of three spirituality books: Out of This World, The Om Contemplations, and The Prayer Preparer: Practical Prayers For Positive People. He has also written a book of creative writing advice called The Writer’s Quick-Start Guide: Modern Know-How To Supercharge Your Creative Writing to help empower others who are considering creative writing.



Spirit / Fall - Book One: Spirit by Brendan Lloyd
ISBN: 978-1-923078-35-2
Format: Paperback 203mm x 103mm
Extent: 172 pages
RRP: $19.95
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Fiction - Fantasy
Distribution: Contact Vivid