Not even the imminent threat of a Japanese invasion can stop the notorious Lady Emily Gascoigne-Ridley from courting disaster – or even death – wherever she goes. When she decides to spend the winter of 1943 in Bexford North, simply to spite her relative, Annie Watson, she begins to wreak havoc in the villagers’ lives. Within a week, she has the village in turmoil with her insinuations, her Russian Communist propaganda and her evil tale-bearing. When murder is discovered, Inspector Peters and his team do not have to search for the suspects – they are in bewildering abundance.
It seems as if, finally, Lady Emily has received what she deserves…
… or has she?
Tony Brennan gained Post Grad degrees from University and spent some years lecturing in English Lit and then tutoring in Abnormal Psychology. He wrote academic articles then turned to Fiction. He began with Short Stories and his first book, 'Is There Anyone There?' was accepted and published by Ginninderra Press in 2016 which surprised him greatly. He then entered an International Short Story competition and was a prize-winning runner-up. With this boost to his ego he set about writing a six part Mystery series, called the Annie Watson Mysteries, on the situation of those who were left at home during WW2. He spent a couple of years researching this period which changed the face of Australia. 'The Blight of Lady Emily' is the third book in the series.
Tony Brennan is Australian and lives in Sydney.