Jaded and apathetic as a result of many confusing and distressing dalliances, world weary and frustrated Cyan Heath embarks on a quest to break her moral code and chooses to indulge in the most base and selfish urges. With an already painful past, Cyan has been plotting her revenge on life, and won’t be moved off course. She formulates an unwritten list of encounters to carry out in the next year of her life, following the pursuit of carnal pleasure. The List has opposite affects, however, and she learns more about herself, her past, and others than she ever thought she would.
Always an avid reader, Amelia started writing when she was about ten years old. Amelia would write for hours at a time any chance she got to escape her life and live in an imaginary world. Amelia writes to hash things out and to heal and to be entertained in a world that is not real.
Amelia lives in Perth, Western Australia where her novel is set.