This is the story of a kid who came out of the Montreal welfare system (three juvenile homes from age 6-16), pulled out of high school and sent to work at 16. Joined the Royal Canadian Navy at 17. Five years later, honourably discharged. The youngest Clearance Diver (CD) to be trained at that time.
The first person to walk on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico at a depth greater than 1,000 feet. And the first person to work on the bottom of the North Sea at 1,065 feet.
From cutting free 50-gallon drums off a pipeline in a swamp outside Cameron, Louisiana with alligators sunning themselves on the barrels, to performing CPR at 1,000 feet in the North Sea.
This is a story about diving and especially about saturation diving – about the dangers involved and what it was like to live under pressure for weeks on end.
This is my story.
"I got mine and loving every page of it! Mike not only tells his story, but how the Commercial Diving Industry grew into what it is today. The plus is Mike is a good writer as well!" – John Carl Roat
"It took a lot of balls to do what you did. I’ve jumped out of planes over 300 times, but you couldn’t get me to do the kind of diving you did for any price. Your book is truly inspiring. The world needs more people like you.”
– Phil Cancienne
“Just finished "The Pressure Zone". It was awesome, and it has to be the best ever book written on commercial and oilfield diving. You have to be very proud, my friend.” – Linden Leask
"You know that Christian has always been very proud that you are his Godfather. Well he read 'The Pressure Zone' and was completely blown away. He now has a completely different perspective of what we did. He never understood anything about offshore and what happens there. We spent hours talking about both of our experiences, diving and life in general (it was a completely different time then and we were lucky to be there and have the correct skills and fortitude to go for it.)" – LJ