Updated & Expanded 2020 Edition
In November 1993, during a holiday in northern Queensland, the author met a man who witnessed a Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) on Cape York Peninsular. This prompted the author to try to confirm that they still live.
On hearing from Mr Heath of some of the Thylacine sightings he had been told about, an academic at a Queensland University urged him to write this book.
Thylacine: Confirming Tasmanian Tigers Still Live details some of the many Thylacine sightings on mainland Australia and Tasmania the author has been told about up until 2014.
Born in Fulham, London, Alan Heath lived the first seven years of his life in Fulham, and the next four years in Saint Mary Cray, Kent. He came to Sydney by ship as an almost eleven year old with his parents and four siblings in early 1955 as part of the immigration scheme that was then in place. The first five and a half years or so in Australia he spent at Bunnerong Migrant Hostel, at Matraville which is in the south eastern suburbs of Sydney, until the family’s new home was completed at Collaroy Plateau on the northern beaches of Sydney.
He ‘followed in his father’s footsteps,’ serving an apprenticeship, and became a Licenced Electrician. After gaining his Electricians licence he worked for two years as an Electrician on the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme in southern New South Wales, He then returned to live in Sydney and continued to work in the electrical industry. In 1974 he completed the Electrical Engineering Certificate course, passing it with honours. After retiring as an Engineering Officer in the electrical industry he moved to Queensland, where he has lived since 2004.
He has always had an interest in engineering, history, natural history, and photography, and as an adult he has developed an interest in geology, palaeontology and anthropology.