Many on our walk with Christ can at times lose the path our Father has planned for us. These passages given to me as I Write For Him will help guide us back onto the path and our spiritual journey with God. Many have forgotten who our Lord is through life's distractions, and the business of our days.These passages allow us to look at our everyday experiences we encounter, and show us how easy it is to lose our way and God’s will for us. They are a gentle reminder to slow down and remember God, who He is, and the love He constantly offers us. They gently remind us all that we do not struggle alone, that Our Lord with provide us with all we need, if we would just slow down and spend time with Him.
Where does one begin to talk openly about the paths many of us have taken through our life, when at the time we really don’t understand it ourselves? As we start off at the beginning, not too many of us are thinking ahead to the end, or where or who we will be with. I didn’t anyway. As I look at where I am today, I try not to look back at all the mistakes, mess, and wrong turns taken; the broken homes and marriages I have seen and experienced. I cannot change the past or void them, but I can certainly learn from them. God has opened His arms to me, shown me a way to look ahead, and leave the behind to Him. I now have Him to lean on. He now sustains all the things that before Him were never satisfied, love, honesty, forgiveness and loyalty.
As a new Christian I spend as much time reading as I can to catch up on the years I have missed with Him. I now teach scripture, which I love, attend a couple of ministry groups, and have truly found my place next to God. My life now moves as He guides me, a work in motion most days, there is now peace of heart, mind and soul.
This book was written as God intended, out of the blue. I have no skills in regards to writing, ask my English teacher if you can find her, so how it came about defiantly had our Lords hand on it.
So many nights I would awake and converse with God, we could talk for hours at times. The conversations would at times become sermons in regard to their matter and content. We would always finish with me asking why I could never speak and pray like that at my groups I attend. I had so much to say, but too shy as a new Christian to say it, and no confidence to do it.
I returned home from Church this particular Sunday, and decided to rest for the afternoon on the hammock my boys had given me for my birthday. I had no sooner laid down, when I had to run inside to grab pen and paper and start to write down all the words God was giving me. The first passage that day came as quickly as the subsequent ones. He had answered my requests and prayers to write down all we had been talking about. The messages now came through me as I Write for Him As came the title of the book.
They became personal letters so to speak, but as I sent the passages to people for their struggles and at times needed guidance, one friend I sent them to said how this particular passage had helped her, and that I should publish them. I then placed that with God. To keep them to myself, when God knew these passages could help others, had defeated the purpose of God giving them to me in the first place, so have now incorporated them into this book.
I hope this book gives you all that God gives me every day: eyes that can see, a heart that is now align with His, and a path that now has purpose and hope.
- Kimberley Erin
New book out now:
Our God Given Path