Our God Given Path : The words from my Father continue to come to me, as I write this second book. I have continued to write with great humility and gratitude during this time together. God’s power and amazing hand has allowed 2 books to be written in 6 months from a person who never contemplated being an author, or being able to write. I give all glory to God, and how His power can move through the most unlikely of people. These writings are reminders of times we may be missing with our Lord. His guidance and correction in them is always encouraging, as He gently refocuses us back to Him, and times not spent with Him. When we battle, push and struggle against what seems like an endless tide, we usually realise we are being impatient on a particular matter, or pushing for or against something that may not be in God’s timing and will, but our own. As we settle into our Fathers arms of love, protection and grace, let God take the lead. We will continue to have our usual highs and lows in a world that many are still lost to, but let us have peace of heart knowing that the Creator of this world, will continue to be our light and guide.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways”, declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9
Kimberley's first book available here:
I Write for Him
Information to come.