The Friends of Cantonment Hill is a group of volunteers who work to maintain and care for the site known as Cantonment Hill/Dwerda Weelardinup. It is on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar, and has important Noongar cultural significance. The area includes a Bush Forever site which is celebrated in this book. In 2011 the Fremantle City Council commissioned the Masterplan for Cantonment Hill. It is the hope of the Friends group that this Masterplan will be fully implemented so that the Hill can best be enjoyed by the community and appreciated as a precious natural space.
Follow us on Facebook and lnstagram @friends_of_cantonment_hill
Josephine Clarke is a poet and writer who grew up in the South-West and who now lives in
Fremantle. Her poetry collection, Recipe for Risotto, was published by UWA Publishing in 2020.
Paula Amaral is a Fremantle artist who spent most of her adult life working as an illustrator for
children's educational books. She is a founding member of, and a passionate advocate for,
the Friends of Cantonment Hill.
SHIPPING NEWS: https://fremantleshippingnews.com.au/2023/11/28/counting-on-the-hill