Vivid Publishing - Book Publishers Australia

Books: Non-Fiction

Books: Non-Fiction

Voice, Participation, Service - Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra by
Chris Lacey . Voice, Participation, Service
Chris Lacey

A 50-Year History of MCCI

The Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra has evolved into a widely respected regional peak body and non-profit service provider for migrants, refugees, and the established generations of multicultural communities.
This is their 50-year story of Voice, Participation, and Service.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-923078-64-2


To Challenge Oneself! by Diane Hodgson : The History of Girl Guides Section Badges in Australia 1909 - 1996 . To Challenge Oneself!
Diane Hodgson

The History of Girl Guides Section Badges in Australia 1909 - 1996

Lord Baden-Powell, founder of Girl Guides, believed in lifelong learning and created a program of challenges that became the foundation of the movement and its badges.
This book explores the evolution of Girl Guide badges in Australia from 1909 to 1996. Initially following the English system, Australia later developed its own syllabus. As society changed, so did the badges, reflecting new skills and interests.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-923078-63-5


Velocity by 
Robert Theodoridis: Publisher Jason Swiney . Velocity
Robert Theodoridis

Unleashing Your Potential & Transforming Dreams into Reality

"Velocity" is your blueprint for extraordinary success. Drawing from personal experiences, the author offers powerful lessons to unlock your potential, embrace discomfort, and forge an unstoppable mindset. With practical advice on critical thinking, mastering your craft, and rewriting your life's script, this book helps you break free from limitations and make your dreams inevitable. Your transformation begins now.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-923078-37-6


The Pressure Zone by 
Mike Cooke . The Pressure Zone
Mike Cooke

The Story of a Pioneer Saturation Diver

This is a story about the first person to walk on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico at a depth greater than 1,000 feet.  And the first person to work on the bottom of the North Sea at 1,065 feet. From cutting free 50-gallon drums off a pipeline in a swamp outside Cameron, Louisiana with alligators sunning themselves on the barrels, to performing CPR at 1,000 feet in the North Sea. 'The Pressure Zone' is about diving and especially about saturation diving – about the dangers involved and what it was like to live under pressure for weeks on end. 

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-923078-08-6


Sh*it I Wished I Knew Before I Discharged  by 
Dan Pronk : Publisher Jason Swiney . Sh*it I Wished I Knew Before I Discharged
Dan Pronk

How to thrive in transition from military police, and first responder roles

Transitioning out of high-intensity occupations, such as military and first responder roles, is often a challenging and stressful experience marked by a profound loss of identity, purpose, and motivation. Dr. Dan Pronk, a former army special operations doctor offers insights to help formulate a plan for a successful post-transition adaptation. This book not only shares Dan’s personal story but provides valuable insights and strategies for those undergoing a similar journey of reintegration into civilian life after intense occupational experiences.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-923078-14-7


The Little Lungs Book 
by Dr Tara Carr – 
Halting the march towards asthma . The Little Lungs Book
Dr Tara Carr

Halting the march towards asthma

Dr. Tara Carr takes readers on an enlightening journey through childhood asthma, simplifying the complexities for the reader. Throughout the book, Dr. Carr explores factors increasing asthma likelihood and suggests steps one can take to stay safe. The book provides insights into the latest asthma research, guiding readers to breathe easier. By the time the reader reaches the end of the book, they’ll be well-informed about their baby’s asthma risk and equipped with strategies to reduce that risk.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-923078-13-0


Dad's Army by 
Ron Banks . Dad's Army
Ron Banks

Why men go to war and other stories

What was it that propelled young man to war in the 1940s? Was it pure patriotism, a sense of duty? A sense of adventure? Finding answers to such a question is difficult, given that many men were reluctant on their return from war to explain or discuss their motives. For many it was best to let the world return to normal and try to forget about the fear, the horror, the sacrifices of wartime.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922788-74-0


Shades of Green by 
Chrissy Sharp . Shades of Green
Chrissy Sharp

Tinding a middle path through the Forest

I became frustrated that no new thinking was emerging to confront the challenges climate change poses for the forests. The real question is not “To log or not to log?” but “How do we best care for our forests?” Let’s call this forest stewardship.’ At times quirky and disarmingly personal, at others deeply philosophical, Shades of Green weaves three separate but inseparable streams into a compelling narrative.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922788-59-7


The Virtuous Weed by 
Nimal R. Chandrasena . The Virtuous Weed
Nimal R. Chandrasena

Weeds, as a group of plants, are unloved by some people. However, this dislike is not universal. Weeds are colonizing, pioneering plants, with special botanical and ecological attributes. They are a critical component of Mother Earth’s rich biodiversity. They are also Nature’s Gifts from which humans can learn many lessons. This book provides compelling evidence of the virtuous side of weeds and their utilization potential for people’s livelihoods and sustainable future societies.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922788-67-2


Long Road to Boston by Ross Burns . Long Road to Boston
Ross Burns

Ross Burns’ second book, Long Road to Boston, takes us on his personal and heartfelt journey to fulfill a long-held dream to one day run the Boston Marathon. Interspersed with humour and personal drama, Long Road to Boston is the story of an everyday man, his deep love of running, his quest, in his own small way, to help repair the trauma of the shocking Boston Marathon terrorist bombings in 2013, and ‘run Boston’.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922788-60-3


After the Forests 
Nikki Savvides
Thailand’s Captive Elephants and Their People . After the Forests
Nikki Savvides

Thailand’s Captive Elephants and Their People

After The Forests: Thailand’s Captive Elephants and Their People explores the difficult matter of elephant welfare in tourism through the author’s experiences as a passionate animal lover, volunteer tourist and academic. Nikki tells captivating stories about the awe-inspiring elephants she met on her journey and the dedicated people who are fighting to create a better future for them through ethical tourism ventures.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922788-21-4


Stories from 2030 
Jby ohn O'Brien . Stories from 2030
John O'Brien

Disruption – Acceleration – Transformation

Stories of restlessness, disruption, conflagrations, faraday tents, myth-makers, bubble-worlds, local nomads, transformation, resilience and the power of the exponential.Contributors are from business, innovation, finance, journalism, politics, storytelling and the environment. Many are unsung heroes delivering immeasurable progress for world. 

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922565-70-9


After the Forests 
Nikki Savvides
Thailand’s Captive Elephants and Their People . How on Earth Did I End Up Here?
Ken Brandon

Meanderings through space, time and mind

From the author of Continental Drifting comes another journey around the globe, this time with diversions, digressions and, sometimes meanderings. Strap yourself in for expeditions to the Poles, Poland and PNC1; an exploration of family history, Haiti and 'hell on earth' and journeys through space and time with pigeons, toucans and a dog that was shot into space in a rocket of course).

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922788-47-4

Calculus: Maths of the Gods  by Bill Todorovich & Ed Walker . Calculus: Maths of the Gods
Bill Todorovich & Ed Walker

Discover the intriguing world of calculus with this book, which aims to demystify and enrich your understanding of this fundamental branch of mathematics. While many find calculus both fascinating and intimidating, this guide strives to make it more accessible and engaging.
Ultimately, it underscores the vital role of imagination in scientific discovery, with calculus serving as the language that quantifies our boldest imaginings.

Format: eBook

Modern Algebra for Ancient Geometry by Bill Todorovich & Ed Walker . Modern Algebra for Ancient Geometry
Bill Todorovich & Ed Walker

Volumes One & Two

Within Modern Algebra for Ancient Geometry, the neglected gems of geometry have been captured and tamed for those who are interested in truth, knowledge, beauty, and the understanding of the theorems that underpin them. Certainly not your average mathematics book!

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922788-90-0

Shindig in Moscow 
by Mithra Fernando . Shindig in Moscow
Mithra Fernando

Memoirs of a Foreign Student

From the outside, since the late 1960s, life in Moscow looked like a shindig to a foreign student. In his memoirs, Dr Mithra Fernando shares his experience of living in Moscow from 1972 to 1983 as a foreign scholarship student. He has felt the first winds of the rancid stench of corruption in Moscow. As a foreign student in the USSR, he witnessed and felt the beginning and rapidly approaching collapse of the socialist system, which eventually disintegrated completely.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922565-95-2


Horrible Man

Once a Sailor by 
Cmdr R. Rees . Once a Sailor
Cmdr R. Rees

Thirty years in the Royal Australian Navy

An aimless sixteen-year-old yearns to see the world. He finds purpose and adventure when he becomes a sailor in the Royal Australian Navy. In Once a Sailor he tells his story. Through his misguided antics that threaten to sabotage his career to his climb through the ranks, the boy becomes a man.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922565-68-6

An Irish Book of Living and Dying 
by Donal Griffin . An Irish Book of Living and Dying
Donal Griffin

In this hilarious, charming and occasionally melancholy memoir, Donal Griffin teaches us how to live forever – or die trying. As a succession lawyer, he encourages clients to draft more than a sterile Will; he advises them to pass on their stories, in all their grit, graft and glory. In so doing, they can face their demons head-on, become better people in the process, and bequeath their lessons learned. An Irish Book of Living and Dying is his crack at practising what he preaches.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922565-52-5

Jungle Law 
by Henry Sklarz . Jungle Law
Henry Sklarz

Mad, Bad, Stupid and Dangerous: True Crime Tales from a Perth Criminal Lawyer

A glimpse into the chaotic, violent and often hilarious world of crime through the eyes of one of Perth’s top criminal defence barristers, Henry Sklarz.  The mad, bad, stupid and dangerous.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-922409-47-8

Heroes of a Moment by 
John C. Hall . Heroes of a Moment
John C. Hall

The History of Body Cavity Surgery

Heroes of a Moment details the most productive period in the history of surgery. Anaesthesia and antisepsis made it possible to explore the contents of the abdomen, chest, and skull. However, even in the early part of the twentieth century, these main cavities of the body were only invaded by the most adventurous surgeons. 

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922409-48-5

Nature and Humanity 
by Betty Silver . Nature and Humanity
Betty Silver

A question of survival

A profoundly original work, Nature and Humanity – A question of survival, will challenge assumptions you didn’t know you had, as it offers a lucid, insightful and crystal clear message: humanity, it is time to act to protect the planet. Our lives are all at stake.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922409-30-0

Step Parenting with Purpose 
by Karalee Katsambanis . Step Parenting with Purpose
Karalee Katsambanis

You don’t have to navigate step parenting on your own. Step Parenting with Purpose is the ultimate ‘go to’ companion and might well be the book that saves your sanity, relationships and family. It’s the book Karalee wished she had 15 years ago when she started her step parenting journey.

Step Parenting with Purpose tackles many of the questions you have but are too afraid to ask; helps you navigate your own, sometimes conflicting, emotions; gives you insights into some of the more challenging step parenting events; and tips on how to engage and manage the ex.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925952-80-3

William's Story 
by Victor Bibby . William's Story
Victor Bibby

A history of gold mining in Australia and Malaysia

Unmarked and forgotten graves, an old pickle jar, a stamp shoe worn to a slipper, abandoned mines in Victoria and remotest Queensland, floods and rebellion. All are stops and clues along the way as Victor Bibby treads in the footsteps of a gold mining pioneer to discover long-lost relatives and the truths about his own family, bringing alive an historical account of life on the goldfields and events that made colonial history. 

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781925442441

Continental Drifting by  
Ken Brandon . Continental Drifting
Ken Brandon

The truth at last - what really happened on those trips

If someone asked Ken to choose the best decade of his life, he would probably select that time from the mid-70s to the mid-80s. Apart from a moment when he briefly and unsuccessfully dipped his toes into the sea of matrimony, it was a good life. Ken was unencumbered by career, emotional commitment or geography. It was a time when I gave my heart freely and frequently

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922409-80-5

The Chelsea Porter 
by Stephen Bargwanna . The Chelsea Porter
Stephen Bargwanna

Legendary larrikin Stephen Bargwanna eschewed the lure of the seventies hippy trail to discover the beauty and delights of his own country as he went walkabout in Australia, but the lure of "the mother country" would eventually prove too strong for this peripatetic young man. 
The Chelsea Porter
 is hugely original, humorous and plaintive at times. It's also an uplifting testament to a life led to the full, both Steve's and Eric's.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922565-46-4

My Magic Carpet Ride 
by Kerry Eivers . My Magic Carpet Ride
Kerry Eivers

An Adventurous Working Life

Western Australia 1959, and a young man, equipped with his newly acquired mechanical fitter qualification, rejected the settled suburban life at home to explore what lay beyond his borders. In the following years, Kerry Eivers faced and accepted challenges beyond his training, beginning with his experience as a marine engineer. In working on fishing boats, he acquired the skills of crayfishing and prawning.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922409-80-5

1000 Trivia and Quiz Questions For Adults & Kids by 
Tom Trifonoff .

1000 Trivia and Quiz Questions
For Adults & Kids

Tom Trifonoff

1000 Trivia and Quiz Questions For Adults & Kids can be used to conduct formal quiz and trivia nights, for use in the classroom, office or other workplaces, and for informal group or family trivia sessions. Whatever its uses, this book can be a challenging and fun addition to any library.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922565-72-3

The Ultimate Pub Trivia Quiz Night Book by 
Tom Trifonoff .

The Ultimate Pub Trivia Quiz Night Book
Tom Trifonoff

The Ultimate Pub Trivia Quiz Night Book is crammed with 2,650 questions divided into 50 full quizzes, each with 5 rounds of 10 questions. In addition, there are 3 bonus questions at the end of each quiz, questions that are more challenging than the main quiz. For close quizzes there are also 100 Tie Break Questions. There’s also a bonus of over 100 True or False statements to use in between the rounds.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922409-28-7

Emotional Survival Guide 
by Melody R. Green .

Emotional Survival Guide
Melody R. Green

Crucial Tips and Techniques for Empaths and Frontline Workers in Emergencies
Never have our Frontline workers needed more support than now as we face the Coronavirus (COVID-19) together. This e-book is filled with tips and techniques for Empaths and Frontline workers to relieve the daily stress of their jobs, so they can function better and longer under emergency conditions These techniques will provide the daily support our frontline workers need.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-922409-07-2

The Anger Prison by Beba . The Anger Prison

An eye-opening account of Australia through the decades - from sexism in the workplace in the 1960s, to life in multicultural Western Sydney, to the challenges of being a woman with no real roots, this is a memoir that packs a serious punch. Beba may have been voiceless, but thanks to her determination to always turn a new-leaf, she is living proof that what doesn't break you, only makes you stronger.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-922409-01-0

Fragments – of a 50s child – 
Ron Banks . Fragments
Ron Banks

The 1950s and early 60s was a great era to grow up in, especially if you were a boy. There were lots of fellow Baby Boomers to play with, clean air (apart from flies and mosquitoes), clear roads to ride your bike on, footballs to kick in the street and the excitement of living in a television-free environment.

Fragments is a factual account of sane parenting and growing up for those who were there, and an historical account for those who were not.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925952-72-8

Weaving Tapestries by 
Tim Muirhead . Weaving Tapestries
Tim Muirhead

The NEW handbook for building communities

If you’re interested in developing or enriching community—as part of your living or part of your work—this handbook will be an invaluable guide.  The previous edition of Weaving Tapestries has been used by a generation of community development students and practitioners. This edition adds more comprehensive guidance in relation to these questions, and ensures that that guidance remains relevant in our changed and changing world.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925952-73-5

The People's Cusine 
by Colin Bannerman . The People's Cusine
Colin Bannerman

Origins of Australia's cookery

The past two centuries have witnessed a dramatic transformation in the place of food and eating in the Australian public consciousness, from the essentials for survival to personal hobby, lifestyle and public entertainment. Culture is a product of communication; the key to understanding the transformation is the record of public conversations about food and cooking.

Format: Paperback

Raising Humanity 
by Erfan Daliri . Raising Humanity
Erfan Daliri

What if we considered the social justice issues of climate change, economic injustice, gender inequality and violence not as isolated problems but instead as interconnected symptoms? As activists, advocates and changemakers, how do we become more effective in our work? And how is it all pointing us towards the inevitable unification of humanity?

Format: Paperback

Ten Years On 
by Melanie Harris-Brady . Ten Years On
Melanie Harris-Brady

A personal account of Black Saturday and the decade that followed

As Melanie Harris-Brady drives through the fire, she has a vision of herself — hair turning to ash, face peeling — and believes she has died. Sometimes it still feels as though her soul is just going through the motions.
The devastating fires in Victoria on Black Saturday, 7 February 2009, destroyed over 2,000 homes and killed 173 people.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925846-46-1

The Boy Who Told Stories 
by Errol Seymour . The Boy Who Told Stories
Errol Seymour

An Intriguing Account of a Pioneering Family in Western Australia

This book places on record the absorbing stories of this remarkable family whose contribution to so much of the history of Dunsborough now goes unnoticed. The author, Errol Seymour, is a great grandson of William Frederick Seymour. Errol spent his early childhood on the Seymour farm until he was nine years old, when his parents moved to Perth.

Format: Hardcover with dustjacket
ISBN: 978-1-925846-21-8

Don't Try This at Home 
by Anna Johnson . Don't Try This at Home
Anna Johnson

Our life in the outback

Whether it’s trying to discourage her handsome personal karate expert, Gary Hammer, from bringing helicopter parts home from the tip, fending off giant lizards in the laundry shed or bouncing along dirt tracks on a tiny scooter with 3 dogs on board, this long-awaited collection of Anna Johnson’s “Don’t Try This At Home” humour columns from The Meekatharra Dust features some new pieces, extended versions, old favourites and plenty of laughs.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925952-08-7

The Valley and the Sea 
by Ena Czeladka Willemsen . The Valley and the Sea
Ena Czeladka Willemsen

An anthology of fact, fiction and memoir in prose and poetry told with humour and pathos

True and fictional stories, poetry and personal reflections about life, love and the seasons are interspersed with poignant memories of the author’s early years, her family’s trials, the terrible loss of a beloved brother in the war, and her own struggle to maintain a home shadowed by chronic illness.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925846-92-8

Beyond Calamity 
by Esther Simbi . Beyond Calamity
Esther Simbi

My Journey from Disability and Disaster to Possibility and Empowerment

From polio at age four, through nineteen years in refugee camps in Uganda, Esther’s stories of life in South Sudan and as a refugee will move, shock and inspire you..

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925846-49-2

Animals in Australia 
by Malcolm Caulfield . Animals in Australia
Malcolm Caulfield

Use and Abuse

As public concern for animal welfare continues to grow, this book offers a timely overview of the way animals are treated in Australia. Covering the welfare of animals used in farming, scientific research and entertainment, as well as domestic pets, feral and wild animals.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925681-50-5

Animals in Australia 
by Malcolm Caulfield . My Second Chance
Gary Bennett

Life after brain injury

If you slam into a telegraph pole driving at 120 kms an hour, the chances are it will change you forever. Gary Bennett was 52, at the peak of his fashion industry career in Australia, when doctors told his family he would certainly die. But instead he survived — with a massive brain injury. 26 years later, Gary is living proof the brain can heal, albeit slowly.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925681-78-9

Commodore's Messenger 
Janis Gillham Grady . Commodore's Messenger
Janis Gillham Grady

A Child Adrift in the Scientology Sea Organization
At age 12 Janis was thrust into a role that no one, not even L. Ron Hubbard himself, could have predicted the outcome, for within not too many years Janis and her fellow Commodore’s Messengers, as they were called, would be running the whole of International Scientology. But that is the story of a later book. Commodore’s Messenger begins by taking the reader into the life of the first family of Scientology in Australia, Yvonne and Peter Gillham and their three children, Peter Jr., Terri and Janis.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925681-06-2

Murray-Darling Journeys by 
Angela & Mike Bremers . Murray-Darling Journeys
Angela & Mike Bremers

200 years of significant rowing and paddling journeys on the rivers of the Murray-Darling Basin

Murray-Darling Journeys explores the history of significant journeys in human-powered craft i.e. rowing and paddling journeys, on the rivers of Australia's Murray-Darling Basin over the last 200 years. This book provides a comprehensive listing of over 430 published accounts covering journeys of exploration, surveying journeys related to the paddle steamer trade, gold rush journeys, depression era journeys, recreational and fund raising journeys.

Format: Flexicase Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-52-4

Other Times by Ron Banks . Other Times
Ron Banks

Life, journalism and the arts

Finally, a concise account of what made journalism tick in the romantic days of hot metal, flongs, stone subbing, typewriter bashing, bakelite phones and shady contacts: in short, everything to do with the days before digital. Journalist Ron Banks reflects on what life was like on the editorial floor of The West Australian newspaper from when he began as a rookie.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-54-8

An Early Breakfast 
by Mike Jenkin . An Early Breakfast
Mike Jenkin

This is an incredibly detailed and accurate account of one man’s experiences as a National Service soldier in the British army during the 1950’s. From the early days as a new and inexperienced recruit who was somewhat reluctant to leave home, it follows his journey through basic training and then half way around the world to the battlefronts of the Korean War. On arrival in Korea he was assigned to the Counter Bombardment Troop, a division of the Royal Artillery and mobilised to the conflict zone.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-72-2-1

What Kind of Funeral 
by Peter Erceg . What Kind of Funeral
Peter Erceg

A self-help guide to planning a meaningful funeral
The death of a loved one is a difficult and emotional time for everyone. For most of us, coping with death and planning a funeral is one of the most difficult things we will ever be asked to do. Yet, we are generally unaware of our funeral rights and don’t know how we can have genuine and meaningful involvement in the funeral. In this book, Peter Erceg informs and empowers you so that you can have more involvement in the whole experience. He provides independent and practical advice on how you can make informed decisions about all funeral-related matters.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-925086-29-4

A Blackwood Trilogy 
by John A. Maslin . A Blackwood Trilogy
John A. Maslin

A Blackwood Trilogy began with a 1990s publication titled Brothers on the Blackwood. It was a story centered on a tiny country town in south western Australia involving convicts, cattle stealing, settlers in conflict and Supreme Court action. From there the story expanded into this Trilogy, evermore intriguing, fascinating, captivating.

Format: Flexi-Case Full Colour
ISBN: 978-1-925341-37-9

Building Your Bali Dream Villa by Guy Morgan . Heresies of Music
Patrick Brislan

What is Lisztomania, and how was it cured? Who was Drog, and what was his prophecy regarding Electronic Music? What preparation do you need before throwing an artistic tantrum? Which orchestral musicians are also qualified to run a hospital?
The plausible answers to these and many other tantalising questions can be found in this wickedly funny – and occasionally just wicked – book.

Format: Paperback + eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925515-48-0

Visions 2100 by John O'Brien . Visions 2100
John O'Brien

As part of the VISIONS 2100 Project, this book tells of the power of Visions and invites the reader to create and share their own vision of a better world. Only by starting conversations of the future will we manage to build the world that we really want.
The future is a beautiful, if challenging, partner. Your choice is whether you take the risk in having a first date or whether you are happy to accept a life of regret.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-925341-52-2

In Whom We Trust 
by Captain John Dikkenberg . In Whom We Trust
Captain John Dikkenberg

Crisis and Leadership at Sea

In Whom We Trust book deals with sea disasters from the perspective of the ships’ masters and captains. Written by a master mariner and former naval captain, the book brings a rare insight into the characters of the captains and what led these men to make the decisions that destroyed their ships.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-55-5

Number 96, Mavis Bramston and me by  David Sale . Number 96, Mavis Bramston and me
David Sale

Behind the scenes of two of Australia's most outrageous television shows
Two shows changed the face of Australian television forever, and rocked the nation to its foundations. And now, the creator of Number 96 and the Executive Producer of The Mavis Bramston Show takes you behind the scenes of these two controversial, outrageously ground-breaking series for a jaunt through the industry’s Golden Years.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 9781922204080

Nicci Was Here by 
Peta West . Nicci Was Here
Peta West

Not a lot happened while growing up during the Sixties and Seventies. Or did it?
'Nicci Was Here’ is a powerful memoir o f Australian childhood, told with humour and heart, and will especially resonate with those who grew up in the same era. It is also testament to a sister’s love and the fractured yet enduring bonds that hold families together.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-33-3

Aged Care with Altruism by J.K. Pearce . Aged Care with Altruism
J.K. Pearce


A Practical Guide for Aged Care Workers
Aged Care with Altruism is a practical guide on how best to provide care, what personal qualities are useful, and some difficulties one might encounter. It describes both the practical component of providing care, with altruism, which is the regard for others as a principle of action. ‘Aged Care with Altruism’ seeks to fill a gap in the knowledge base, for educators, aged care workers, and prospective aged care workers.

Paperback 229mm x 152mm
ISBN: 9781921787836
RRP: $19.95

Roxanne: My Extraordinary Life . Roxanne
Roxanne Holmes

My Extraordinary Life

"Give me everything in the till. Notes only! Don’t make me nervous or I’ll shoot!”
The waitress handed me twenty dollars. I fled back to the car and John hightailed it outta there.
Roxanne is a fascinating, sometimes confronting, insight into a life most of us will only hear about fleetingly on the six o’clock news.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-925086-75-1

Pub Quizzes Ready to Use  by Tom Trifinoff . Pub Quizzes Ready to Use
Tom Trifinoff

Pub Quizzes Ready To Use is the follow up to Tom’s first book, Quiz Nights Ready To Use.
The format of the book is the same but the questions aren’t. There are 1,325 NEW QUESTIONS in this book, as well as new Tie Breaker Questions.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-81-4

High in a Sunlit Silence by Cmdr Tony Vine . High in a Sunlit Silence
Cmdr Tony Vine

The story of fifty Trainee Pilots - RAAF Narromine NSW, December 1941

‘Make sure you give your brother a big hug and remember his face as you will never see him again.’

These are the heartbreaking words of a father, addressed to his daughter, as her brother Bill Gunning went off to war. Tragically, his father’s presentiment came to pass and, like so many other young men who fought in World War II, Bill never did come back.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-21-0

The Mystery of Fairyland, Kew
 by James Nicolas . The Mystery of Fairyland, Kew
James Nicolas

In 1965 in Kew, Melbourne, 88-year-old Grace Tabulo passed away at her 1860’s home, Fairyland. This ended more than 20 years that Grace and her Gallipoli veteran husband Jim had made their home a tourist attraction for children in the local area and beyond. It was a unique place in a more innocent time that had a profound effect on all those who went there.
What motivated this childless couple to dedicate their lives to their community? And what are some of the mysteries that lie behind this story?

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-02-9

Plato's Caribbean Atlantis 
Dr P.P. Flambas . Plato's Caribbean Atlantis
Dr P.P. Flambas

A Scientific Analysis

‘Plato’s Caribbean Atlantis’ provides a scientific explanation for the greatest and most misunderstood archaeological mystery of any era – the lost civilisation of Atlantis. The book’s conclusions may cause a radical rethinking of the origin of human civilisation and the geological processes that have shaped humanity.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925515-85-5

Poverty, Poaching, Police 
by Catalina Selena Rose . Poverty, Poaching, Police
Catalina Selena Rose

The hardships of growing up in the Northern Territory

Catalina Selena Rose is an adventurer who loves camping, bushwalking and sightseeing. Poverty, Poaching, Police is Catalina’s autobiographical memoir that explains where her passion of animals, their welfare and her love of zoos comes from. She’s a unique character that feels comfortable handling creepy-crawlies, snakes and large crocodiles.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-12-8

Taxi 528 
by Rowena Hopper . Taxi 528
Rowena Hopper

Have you ever wondered what really happens inside a taxi? Bit of a voyeur are you? Come take a ride with me...
Working as a female cabbie driving the night shift in Perth in her 20’s and 30’s, Rowena experienced many situations that gave her amazing insight into the people around her. Picking up many odd yet fascinating fares, Rowena discovered there is no ‘normal’ in human nature.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-19-7

Building Your Bali Dream Villa by Guy Morgan . Building Your Bali Dream Villa
Guy Morgan

Everything you need to know about building your dream villa in Bali. From sourcing land, putting together your team and creating a brief to dealing with construction, finding the right fixtures and fittings and living happily ever after in Bali. Illustrated with many beautiful and inspiring shots of some of Bali’s best known villas.

Format: Paperback Full Colour + eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925515-39-8

A Piece of Good Land 
by Val Carter . A Piece of Good Land
Val Carter

Four Corners is a 3600-acre farm nestled away in the Shire of Dandaragan in Western Australia. When Ron and Val Carter first acquired it in 1955, it was virgin scrub land — no communication, no electricity, just acres of bush. They envisioned a viable farm where cattle grazed and crops flourished; a place where they could raise their growing family.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925515-16-9

Little Fist 
D. Holmes . Little Fist
D. Holmes

It’s not pretty, but it needs to be done, and Little Fist knows how to do it. She knows when to strike and when to talk, when to walk away and when to get involved. Security work is as much about judgement as it is muscle-power, and Little Fist uses both with extraordinary skill.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925341-65-2

A Theatre in my Mind by Reg James with James Aitchison . A Theatre in my Mind
Reg James with James Aitchison

The inside story of Australian radio drama

Radio drama is often called the “theatre of the mind”, wherein a listener’s imagination is stimulated by voices, sounds, and music to create mental imagery as real as any bricks-and-mortar theatre.
Reg James spent a lifetime in the thick of Australian radio drama. Rising through the ranks at Grace Gibson Radio Productions — from despatch boy to general manager — he takes us behind the scenes into the fascinating world of broadcasting from the 1930s to the present day.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-925341-34-8

START Parenting by Sue Gould and Doug MacLeanJ . START Parenting
Sue Gould and Doug MacLean

A Guide to Thoughtful Parenting by Sue Gould and Doug MacLean

Parenting can be a wild ride. It can be the ultimate roller coaster. Unlike the fairground ride, however, it won’t just stop when you have had enough. It is a lifelong journey.
Parents need all the help they can get, as they hang on for the ride. Especially because this is a ride that can be derailed by chance events, no matter how much great work parents put in.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925341-04-1

How to get a job in the 21st Century 
by Rebecca Fraser . How to get a job in the 21st Century
Rebecca Fraser

Including the hidden job market, e-recruitment, resumes, online profiles and cover letters

In this book we bring you what is current and important in today’s job search. From finding a job through the hidden or advertised job market, through to writing your resume, the information contained in this book will help you on your journey. Most importantly, we touch on the challenges of e-recruitment tools and provide you much needed information on how technology is now impacting your job search.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925341-28-7

Nudge for Schools 
Ian Mackie & Gary MacLennan . Nudge for Schools
Ian Mackie & Gary MacLennan

Help your students choose success
That’s right, success is a choice. Here are powerful ready-to-use tools that will support positive choices. Ian Mackie and Gary MacLennan have a lifetime of experience in education. Both have taught in a wide variety of settings in Australia and internationally. This book is written for you. Enjoy a conversation between you, the authors and the world’s most influential thinkers in education, psychology and behavioural economics. Don’t miss out!

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925341-06-5

Njinga by Kate Leeming . Njinga
Kate Leeming

A world-first cycle expedition across Africa from Senegal to Somalia

The story of Kate Leeming’s astonishing 22,000-kilometre trek by bicycle across Africa – dodging rebels, insurgents and Somali pirates and exotic and dangerous wildlife while battling extreme conditions from desert to jungled terrain on non-existent roads and faint tracks, is more than a story of mental grit and physical endurance.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925171-29-7

Primary Schooling  by Kate Riley . Primary Schooling
Kate Gurjian

Ever wondered what actually happens in primary schools? Or simply which school to choose?

This ‘must have guide for parents’ is what you need to know about primary education with advice on ways to prepare your child for primary school. Also discover what schools and teachers aren’t telling you. There is no other resource on the market that will honestly inform you about what is occurring in primary schools across Australia, warts and all!

Paperback A 181mm x 111m
ISBN: 9781921787744
RRP: $25

The View From the Clouds by 
John Hunt . The View From the Clouds
John Hunt

The remarkable story of one of race calling's favourite sons

The View From The Clouds is a testament to one man’s love for all things horses, given free reign through the arcane pursuit of race broadcasting.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925209-04-4

Jatani Ali Tandhu 
by Tadhi Liban . Jatani Ali Tandhu
Tadhi Liban

Life & Legacy of a Borana Statesman

From time to time, certain individuals who display courage and self-sacrifice for the greater good emerge to make a lasting impact on the lives of entire communities. The late Jatani Ali Tandhu (“Shaalaqa”) was such a figure, born into a Borana family in southern Ethiopia.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925209-28-0

The Very Worst of the Beatles by Michael Witheford . The Very Worst of the Beatles
Michael Witheford

The Very Worst Of The Beatles is a light-hearted but studious examination of the band’s least outstanding moments, from the hurried and badly played cover versions they were obliged to record for a hungry market in the early sixties, to the drug-fuelled and overblown indulgences from later in the decade when they had no obligations at all.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925209-99-0

Yes, Miss Gibson by James Aitchison & Reg James . Yes, Miss Gibson
James Aitchison & Reg James

The life and times of an Australian radio legend

YES, MISS GIBSON offers a nostalgic journey back to the 1950s when radio drama dominated Australia’s age of innocence. What emerges is a rare social and media history, and an engaging look into the bustling radio industry of a lost era.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925209-16-7

Death Rules by Will Cairns . Death Rules
Will Cairns

How Death Shapes Life on Earth, and What it Means For Us

Death Rules explores life from the perspective of death. We are all going to die; our lifespan is limited. That is the way it is. And yet we do our best to avoid death, and at almost any cost. While we accept the fact of death, we seldom talk about it. Now, in the 21st century, science is offering us the opportunity to better understand the vital role of death as it shapes the success and the complexity of life on Earth, and to appreciate our place in the midst of it all.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925171-92-1

Love: A Collaborative Memoir 
by Candace Davis . Love: A Collaborative Memoir
Candace Davis

Candace's lifelong mission was to create the perfect love story to tell her grandchildren. Instead, three decades in, she is divorced, broken-hearted and dealing with the aftermath of an affair. Wanting to understand where she went wrong, and how she can make it right again, Candace turned to others—friends, family, experts and complete strangers—to make sense of it all.
In her raw, honest, and emotionally charged memoir she shares her own love story while weaving through the thoughts and experiences of others.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925209-06-8

Australian made...Australian played... by Michael Atherton . Australian made...Australian played...
Michael Atherton


From Bulgarian zurlas to bass drums, from the delicate lute to the high-tech Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument, Australians make some of the world’s finest musical instruments. This magnificently illustrated book is the first to tell the story of the people, some world famous, dedicated to coaxing beautiful music from natural and manufactured materials.  

Format: eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925209-03-7

Exploring the Frozen Continent by Bede Harris . Exploring the Frozen Continent
Bede Harris

What Australians think of constitutional reform

t is usually thought that, at best, the Australian public has little interest in constitutional reform or, at worst, is profoundly suspicious of it. A key reason for voter reluctance to countenance reform is the poor state of civics education in Australia, which has the consequence that voters are, understandably, fearful of changing what they do not understand.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925171-73-0

I am Catherine Jane 
by Catherine Jane Fisher . I am Catherine Jane
Catherine Jane Fisher

The True Story of One Woman’s Quest for Justice

f you ever wondered why so many victims choose not to report rape or why so many people prefer to put the blame for crime on its victims, then you should read this book. Catherine's story will stop you in your tracks as you ponder how this could happen to an innocent person.
- Michael O'Connell APM, Commissioner for Victims' Rights.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-925171-63-9

D-Day Exposed 
by Temple Kehoe . D-Day Exposed
Temple Kehoe

A Bad Combat Plan Saved by Good Men, June 6, 1944 - The Tragedy of the Missing LVTs

In this controversial book, the first in a series on D-Day, the author Temple Kehoe provides irrefutable evidence that the D-Day invasion plan was an incompetent combat plan that failed to use the available amphibious invasion technology and experience that could have changed the course of the war. The author shows how even as late as April 1944 this could have been fixed.

Format: Paperback / ebook
ISBN: 978-1-925171-34-1

Plantation Papua 
Denis Longhurst . Plantation Papua
Denis Longhurst

A true tale of trials and tribulations in Papua between 1962 and 1982

This book is the story of PNG’s journey from wild colonial exuberance to nurtured independence, entwined with a personal tale of the trials, tribulations and way of life in sometimes remote plantations set in Papua in the 1960s through to the 1980s.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925590-17-3

Warrnambool -A Long Way to Tipperary: The Incredible Life of John Hyland by James Nicolas . Warrnambool -A Long Way to Tipperary
James Nicolas

The Incredible Life of John Hyland

In the 1850's an amazing man came to the western districts of Victoria from Tipperary in Ireland. Police Trooper, pioneer, capturer of bushrangers, squatter, mayor, stock and land auctioneer, friend of Australia’s first Governor General and a mentor to Archibald, the founder of The Bulletin.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925171-37-2

Teach Your Child to Sleep Through the Night by Dr Annemarie Christie . Teach Your Child to Sleep Through the Night
Dr Annemarie Christie

The no-nonsense baby and toddler sleep solution

Packed with useful tips, tools and techniques to ensure you and your child get a good night’s sleep. This book will change your life and help your child to reach their potential!
In this easy-to-read guide, Dr Annemarie Christie shows you a proven system to get your child sleeping through the night, and taking long, restful naps during the day.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925171-18-1

A Half Glass Full 
Lee Mylne . A Half Glass Full
Lee Mylne

And other travel stories

For more years than she cares to count, Lee Mylne has been travelling wherever life has taken her. Sometimes, she has found the road smooth…other times, there have been some rough patches. But an inherent sense of optimism - the belief that the glass is almost always half-full - has kept her going when more sensible people may have stayed at home.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925171-40-2

21 Question for a 21st Century Army by 
Grant Sandercock-Brown . 21 Question for a 21st Century Army
Grant Sandercock-Brown

Being the Salvos Now

The Salvos are part of the fabric of Australian culture. This once rag-tag mob of 19th Century evangelists has morphed into a much loved Christian charity. This is both gratifying and challenging. How do we balance the Christian bit and the charity bit? How are we Salvos to understand our place in the wider church?

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925171-17-4

The Art of Weather Photography by Jacci Ingham . The Art of Weather Photography
Jacci Ingham

A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Renowned Australian nature photographer Jacci Ingham shares her passion for chasing storms and reveals her secrets of mastering the art of weather photography. In this comprehensive guide, Jacci teaches you everything you need to know about capturing your own landscape and lightning images.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 978-1-925171-25-9

My Salvation by Marvin Cohen . My Salvation
Marvin Cohen

The remarkable story of an Iraqi Jewish Refugee

This is the remarkable true story of a young child who endured the murder of his family and the imprisonment of a brutal regime. Marvin escaped from Iraq only to discover that the human rights system would not deliver the liberty and freedom he sought

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925171-09-9

The Lost Dictionary by 
Wim Vervest . The Lost Dictionary
Wim Vervest

A history of the Chin people, the Newland family and the American Baptist Chin Mission
This is the story of Surgeon-Major Arthur Newland, the pioneering photo-journalist who gave the Chins their written language; of the missionaries who converted the Chins to Christianity and of the Chin people themselves, a complex feudal society living in one of the most inaccessible regions on Earth.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925086-61-1

Enjoying Challenges by Ada Drue May . Enjoying Challenges
Ada Drue May

Enjoying Challenges is the story of Ada Drue May, born in 1919 in Adelaide, South Australia. It provides a rich account of life in Australia in the early to rnid 20th Century as vvell as chronicling the travels of Ada and her husband Arthur throughout Australia and across the vvorld through the 1970’s to the 1990’s. Filled vvith fascinating stories of a life well-lived and vvritten with warmth and humour, Enjoying Challenges provides a great read for lovers of history and travel alike.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925171-31-0

McGartland's Daughter by Ervan Summerhayes . McGartland's Daughter
Ervan Summerhayes

An Australian Story
Based on a cornerstone of ancestral memoirs archived by his great-grandmother Elizabeth Summerhayes [1871-1947], the author has constructed a monumental masterpiece from his extensive research into the life and times of one remarkable Australian.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925086-67-6

The Arab-Israeli Conflict 
Daryl KibbleWim Vervest . The Arab-Israeli Conflict
Daryl Kibble

No Service, Returned and Captured Mail
The postal history of civilian No Service, Returned & Captured Mail resulting from the Arab-Israeli conflict has been neglected in philatelic literature.  Philately is simply the study of stamps and postal history.  Postal history can be defined as postal covers sent through the mail, as well as associated material, which illustrate the historical episodes of the civilian postal system. 

Format: Colour Hardcover
ISBN: 978192508-65-8-4

Spanish for Travellers by Lourdes Flores . Spanish for Travellers
Lourdes Flores

Learning a second language opens new doors to a new culture, its ideas and its people. The purpose of Spanish for Travellers is to help English speaking people to learn the basics of the Spanish language. So when travelling to Spain or Latin America, their journey will be more enjoyable.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-925086-56-0

A World of Myth by 
Nobel M. Pasi . A World of Myth
Nobel M. Pasi

A World of Myth is an excellent introduction to the topic of global migration, xenophobia and racism. Written by Nobel M. Pasi (a global migrant who has lived in Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia), the book looks at 28 myths about migrants that are commonly spread by politicians, the mass media, and the public at large. Using data from nations across the world, each myth is challenged for its validity.

Format: Paperback/eBook
ISBN: 9781925086546

Passaparola by 
Bianca Leone . Passaparola
Bianca Leone

Based on the True events of an Australian / Italian actress' social experiment to walk in the footsteps of her Mother, in the hope that she will find forgiveness, a green card and a white fly!

This is Bianca Leone’s true story of her search to find answers, and help her mother’s spirit return to her home soil in a heartfelt ceremony, so she and her mother could finally have peace.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 9781925086898

A Lifetime in Longhaul 
by Bill Anderson
. A Lifetime in Longhaul
Bill Anderson

Qantas Pilot Flying Stories

“The pilots with the 747 have carried Australians to the world... These are their fascinating stories of passion and commitment. Essential reading for anyone in love with flying” - Geoffrey Thomas, Chief Editor, Air Transport World

Format: Pb + eBook
ISBN: 9781925086089

Brush Off! by 
George Dreyfus . Brush Off!
George Dreyfus

Saving the gilt-edged kid from oblivion
For over forty years, composer George Dreyfus—he wrote the much-loved Theme from Rush—has confronted Opera Australia about the opera it commissioned from him in 1969 but never performed. Lashing around wildly, regardless of reputations, including his own, George Dreyfus entertains his readers in his inimitable humourous style.

Format: eBook
ISBN: 9781922204738

Gone Missing by 
Douglas Coop . Gone Missing
Douglas Coop

A Guide for Those Left Behind
Those going missing far exceed the combined number of traffic fatalities, suicides, and all the injuries requiring hospitalization. Added to this, for every person reported missing at least twelve others are affected either emotionally, physically or financially. For some it lasts a lifetime.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781925086027

Illawarra Agitators by 
Chris Lacie . Illawarra Agitators
Chris Lacie

A Centenary History of Thirroul Labor (Est. 1913)
"Blood drawn in feud – fight in billiard saloon
Men and women came to blows last night at Thirroul over a political feud between supporters
of the Labor Party. They met on equal terms about 50-a-side in a billiard saloon and, although
the fight was stopped without outside interference, it was not until blood had been drawn."
- Cairns Post, 1 August 1933

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922204462

Out There and Back  Kate Leeming . Out There and Back
Kate Leeming

The Story of the 25,000 kilometre Great Australian Expedition

"Take a large measure of guts, strength, will and heart; add a bike and a young woman and spend 25000 kilometres across Australia. Truth can be so much better than fiction. A brilliant story." Bryce Courtenay

Format: eBook / Paperback
ISBN: 9781922204127

What Should I Eat For My Heart
 by Dr Alistair Begg . What Should I Eat For My Heart
Dr Alistair Begg

The Guide for Healthy Eating for Heart Problems

The basis of this book lies in the inescapable fact that what we do with our bodies has a major impact on our heart and our health. Many people have asked me over my years in private cardiology practice for advice on diet, exercise and weight management. I therefore sought to develop a resource to which people can refer when trying to reduce the risk factors that lead to heart disease.

Format: eBook
RRP: $9.99.

The Australian Coffee Guide by Izaac Trpeski . The Australian Coffee Guide
Izaac Trpeski

TOP 100 - 2013
The premium guide to the top 100 coffee venues in Australia created for the lovers of serious coffee.
Aimed at the adventurist, the local and the pure die hard coffee connoisseur, this coffee bible is the perfect companion helping you limit your time and taking you straight to the best source of coffee where ever you may be in Australia.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922204226

Freedom, Democracy and Accountability by Bede Harris . Freedom, Democracy and Accountability
Bede Harris

A Vision for a New Australian Constitution
The contents of the federal Constitution are a mystery to most people, yet it is in the Constitution that are found the rules of how our institutions function, and what powers they may exercise over us. In a time of increasing voter dissatisfaction with how government is conducted in Australia, this book explains how our Constitution works, and why it is in need of reform. Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780987356543

Holy Hell  by Patricia Feenan . Holy Hell
Patricia Feenan

Faith, betrayal, pain, courage, justice.

A police investigation, a very public criminal trial and the silence of the general Catholic community, unwilling to believe evil about a popular priest, make this particular journey very painful indeed but a very good insight for the reader into the power of a strong and loving family.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 9780987356543

Snapshots of Sri Lanka  Travel tales from the island of serendipity . Snapshots of Sri Lanka
Travel tales from the island of serendipity

Once called “the island of serendipity”, Sri Lanka is a place where a rich culture and chequered history combine. Where cricket tragics, surfers, and adventurers meet Buddhist monks, fishermen, and orphaned elephants. Where the scent of cinnamon floats on the air and there’s a feeling that anything is possible. This collection of travellers’ tales has been put together to benefit the “Samadhi Grove” early childhood development centre in the village of Smagipura in southern Sri Lanka.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022844

Higher Intelligence - How to Create a Functional Artificial Brain by Peter van der Made . Higher Intelligence
How to Create a Functional Artificial Brain by Peter van der Made

Artificial Intelligence, in the sense of a machine that is aware and capable of making intelligent decisions on indefinite criteria, does not yet exist. What needs to change to make intelligent machines a reality? Why has this not happened already? This book may be the first step in the direction that leads to a truly intelligent, evolving and learning machine.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922204158

Lentil as Anything Book by  Shanaka Fernando . Lentil as Anything
Shanaka Fernando
with Greg Hill

Everybody deserves a place at the table
Shanaka Fernando is often hailed as a modern-day revolutionary best known for his ‘pay-what-you-can-afford’ community restaurants in Melbourne. He was named Australia’s Local Hero in the Australian of the Year Awards and was a guest judge on MasterChef alongside the Dalai Lama. Lentil as Anything strips back the labels that have been slapped onto Shanaka’s media-built poster boy persona and gives us an insight into some of the experiences that have shaped the man he has become.

Format: Paperback / eBook
ISBN: 9781922022721
RRP: $32.95

The Electricity Box  by Robyn Berkeley . The Electricity Box
Robyn Berkeley

“This book has been many years in the making, and I have longed for it, because I knew Eric McNally and his remarkable story - and I saw first-hand how knowing Eric changed Robyn. Berkeley profoundly.”

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022776
RRP: $t.b.c.

Lentil as Anything Book by  Shanaka Fernando . Wisdom of Eating
Dr. Bel Zoughi

Wisdom of Eating is designed to bring more insight to understanding our physical body and its incredible intelligence. With a little guidance on this magnificent being combined with some basic information about food, this book will assist in alleviating confusion when it comes to your body’s nutritional needs.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022684

Lentil as Anything Book by  Shanaka Fernando . On Nietzsche
Dušan Todorovič Zarač

An Explanation of His Literary and Philosophical Activity
Along with Freud and Marx Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is undoubtedly one of the most influential thinkers and among the few brilliant writers who left an indelible mark on subsequent generations of writers, poets, and thinkers all over the world. Reading him can be a sobering as well as a maddening experience.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022660
RRP: $29.95

A Paediatrician in Your Pocket by Dr Melvyn Polon . A Paediatrician in Your Pocket
Dr Melvyn Polon

Common Sense information about your baby
It is not possible for you as a parent to know what your doctor knows about illnesses, you would need to go to medical school for this, but it is totally possible for you to know just about everything that your doctor knows about a normal baby. You are entitled to this knowledge, and it is only when you have this basic knowledge that you can begin to trust Mother Nature and to trust your intuition.

Format: Paperback
Published by: Dr Melvyn Polon

Your Child is Bright . Your Child is Bright
EBC (Chich) Thornton

Why is it that so often children are full of potential as infants, and less
so as they grow older?

This book is designed for young parents who are embarking on the great adventure of bringing new people into the world. If you are a parent with a normal little boy or girl, you have a remarkable new member of the family. Your child is bright!

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022431

Chinese by Numbers  by David Pearce . Chinese by Numbers
David Pearce

The ultimate method to find Chinese characters fast
Chinese by Numbers presents the ultimate method to find Chinese characters fast. It does some things that no other Chinese reference book has ever tried. With more characters and its unique features it is the salvation of any person reading Chinese and frequently looking up new characters.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022240
RRP: $32.95

No Chemicals Required by  Beverley Barkway . No Chemicals Required
Beverly Barkway

A common-sense approach to your dog’s skin allergies, infestations and fears
This book is dedicated to all those unfortunate itchy, scratchy, flea-plagued dogs out there and was written for the benefit of all their carers who have been blessed with a very special friend but the ‘caring’ is now costing more than the household can afford in both time and money.
This easy to read guide will change your dog’s life forever. Scratching and itching will become a thing of the past and not a chemical in sight!

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022158
RRP: $24.95

Comfortableness with golf by Christopher Peacock . Comfortableness with golf
Christopher Peacock

A collection of experiences from a long golfing life

"June was to me attraction personified. She was a friendly handsome woman who made me feel most comfortable when we were in close proximity or in friendly conversation. In fact she exuded a sensual aura, which undoubtedly affected my game. What a lovely way to have a poor score (poor choice of words)."

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022202
RRP: $24.95

CSIRO Perfidy by Geoff Russell . CSIRO Perfidy
Geoff Russell

The truth about CSIRO's best selling "scientifically proven" diet

"Read this book: it may save your life. And if enough people read it, it just might save the planet." Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University
"You may not agree with everything in this book, but it's an important book. Everyone who cares about their own health and the sustainability of the earth should read it."
Dr Rosemary Stanton, OAM Nutritionist

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780980638134
RRP: $19.95

Bits About Boarding School by  Michelle Dunn . Bits About Boarding School
Michelle Dunn

A guide to help you discover an exciting and life-changing experience in boarding school.

If you are between 11 and 15 years of age, and you are about to start, or have already started your boarding adventure, this book is ideal for you. Read it by yourself, or share it with your parents. This book covers things that may happen to you, or around you, tips and hints on how to overcome difficulties, and ways to enrich your boarding experience.

Paperback B 198mm x 128mm
ISBN: 9781922022059
RRP: $19.95

Islam, Arrogance and Delusion by John L. Perkins . Islam, Arrogance and Delusion
John L. Perkins


A reply to people like Waleed Aly
Religious believers think that their own belief is the one true religion. Why else would they believe it? Believers may be kindly and well-meaning, but belief gives them an underlying sense of righteousness, of being chosen, of cultural superiority. Yet there is no objective justification. Is this arrogance?

Paperback B 198mm x 128mm
ISBN: 9781922022103
RRP: $26.95

How I Got Here  - MT. DRUITT LIFE STORY SERIES . How I Got Here
MT. Druitt Life Story Series


Women and Men tell their stories
These are the life stories of ten Aboriginal people talking about where they grew up and their experiences before coming to Mt. Druitt.

Paperback A5 210mm x 148mm
ISBN: 9780921787522
RRP: $25.00

Dusty Paddocks by Rowan Murphy . Dusty Paddocks
Rowan Murphy


A collection of stories recounting the bush experiences of Rowan Murphy, a fourth generation landowner. “I have written them truthfully, irreverently and hopefully amusingly. They cover the good times and the bad, the uncomfortable and the delightful. I sincerely hope you will enjoy and be entertained.”

Paperback 210mm x 148mm
ISBN: 9781921787881
RRP: $24.95

Aged Care with Altruism by J.K. Pearce . Sage: 101 Faces of Age
Robyn Lambert


In her book, SAGE:101 Faces of Age, Robyn Lambert documents year by year the process, response and attitudes about age, from the very young to the very old. It is a fascinating insight into the most natural of all processes and helps to highlight what is positive about ageing; in a society which reveres ‘youth’ and staying young.

Paperback 297mm x 210mm
ISBN: 9781921787744
RRP: $44.95

Salted Herring  Tadeusz & Jill Andruszkiewicz . Salted Herring
Tadeusz & Jill Andruszkiewicz


As a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed between the Soviets and Nazi Germany on the 23rd August, 1939, the Germans invaded Poland from the west and the Red Army invaded Poland from the east. The Soviets quickly annexed its newly held territory and hundreds of thousands of Polish people were rounded up from the area and sent to Siberia and other remote parts of the USSR.

Paperback A 181mm x 110mm
ISBN: 9780980700978
RRP: $19.95

Aged Care with Altruism by J.K. Pearce . Pictures Not Words
Fiona Perry


A handy guide for easier communication
This book has been designed for hospital like settings but can be used in any setting that the reader sees fit. It is to enable easier communication between professionals and their clients/patients who may struggle to communicate verbally due to various operations, intellectual disability or are non English speaking.

Paperback 229mm x 152mm
ISBN: 9781921787775
RRP: $24.95

by P.A. Greene . NGAPA
P.A. Greene


What can indigenous and non-indigenous Australians hope to achieve in our walk together this century? The Uluru Statement from the Heart 2017 should see that treaty becomes a reality. Our future together depends on the resolve to end the silence on our dark history that began with colonisation when the bloodshed of massacres washed this land, of the psychological trauma of the stolen generation, and of human rights abuse. Of a people who never ceded any sovereignty of their land.

Paperback 203 x 133mm
ISBN: 978-1-922565-13-6
RRP: $24.95

Taking the Drop by  Sheree da Costa, Danielle DuBois, Jillian Flitton & Debbie James . Taking the Drop
Sheree da Costa, Danielle DuBois, Jillian Flitton & Debbie James

Taking the Drop is the life-affirming story of four women who took up surfing in their forties, broke away from their existing daily routines and steered their lives into new directions. Their love of the ocean broadens their horizons, teaches them lessons of skill and survival, allows them time for reflection and shows them that change and loss make way for growth, renewal and peace.

Paperback C-format 400pp Colour
ISBN: 9781921787621
RRP: $32.95

Readalong  by Julian Dickenson . Readalong
Julian Dickenson


The Complete Phono-Graphic Reading Program
Is there anything more important for a child than learning to read? Well can you imagine what it would be like if they couldn't read? You can appreciate that their entire future depends on being able to do that very thing and do it well!

Paperback 297mm x 210mm
ISBN: 9781921787690
RRP: $24.95

Release the Seed  by Paul Berry . Release the Seed
Paul Berry


Six Steps to Embracing Your Inner Travel Bug
WARNING! Reading this book may cause you to quit your job, leave your partner and blow your savings on the adventure of a lifetime. If a trip overseas for you usually entails any of the following, then this just may be the book you’ve been waiting for.

Paperback 152mm x 229mm
ISBN: 9781921787591
RRP: $34.95

Gathering No Moss by John Holland . Gathering No Moss
John Holland


It's not everyday a 50-something corporate executive throws in his job, picks up a backpack and becomes a global wanderer. It is even rarer that he heads for Bangladesh (where his tiny wooden canoe collides with a thousand tonne steel barge), Yemen (finding himself in an Arab brothel while searching for a cold beer with lunch) and Peru (having his shoelaces chewed by guinea pigs while he eats the rodents’ brothers and sisters).

Paperback 229mm x 152mm
ISBN: 9781921787898
RRP: $29.95

Vegans Are Cool by Kathy Divine . Vegans Are Cool
Kathy Divine

A delicious collection of essays, interviews and articles by cool vegans from around the planet.
Vegans Are Cool is a collection of writings by the global vegan community. This collaborative project showcases the knowledge, creativity and heart of individuals from a diversity of races, cultures and backgrounds who share one thing in common: they are all living the healthy, environmentally friendly vegan lifestyle.

Paperback B 198mm x 128mm + eBook
ISBN: 9781921787867
RRP: $19.95

. . Beyond Belief
James F. Coyle

If you were told that you could use your mind to influence a slot machine or dice fall....would you find this beyond belief? If you were told that you could use your mind in a telepathic manner to influence the thinking pattern of another individual or group of people...would you believe it?

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921787171
RRP: $49.95

What is Acupuncture : Simple Explanation of an Eastern wisdom . What is Acupuncture
Zhu Wu, Zheng Lu & Nina Philosoph

A Simple Explanation of an Eastern wisdom

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) is based on the principle that we are part of nature - it exists both around us and within our body. We reach optimal health when we live in harmony with the environment and when we achieve that balance within ourselves. TCM treats everybody as an individual. Everyone is unique. Two people may come in for the same issue but treatment will depend on the underlying cause.

Format: 62pp B 198mm x 128mm Paperback + eBook
ISBN: 9781922022035
RRP: $19.95

A Balance of Self by Dr Winfried Sedhoff M.D. . A Balance of Self
Dr Winfried Sedhoff M.D.

A new approach to self understanding, lasting happiness, and self-truth.

A balanced life is something we all yearn for, but it can only be honestly achieved through a balance of self. This important book gently and sensitively guides us towards our inner self and shows us step by step how we can rescue, resuscitate and nurture our real identity back to health.

Format: Paperback
RRP: $34.95

Book Out Now

Raoul Kent: A Life of Mastery Haydn Ellis . Raoul Kent: A Life of Mastery
Haydn Ellis

Tales and teachings from the extraordinary life of martial artist and healer Raoul Kent

“It’s only a matter of realising there are certain basic principles to follow when fighting. When you’re driving a car and you want the car to turn the corner you don’t get out of the car, lift it and carry it around the corner. When you want to control a person you don’t have to fight the whole body. You attack one portion of the body and take control by exerting pain. Everybody responds to pain.” - Raoul Kent

Format: Hardcover, Paperback + eBook
ISBN: 9781921787485
RRP: $29.95

Herbs for Healing by Wendy Trow . Herbs for Healing
Wendy Trow

A beginners guide to growing, storing and using herbs

Herbs for Healing has been written for busy people who just want to know the facts, therefore the layout and alphabetical index are designed to help you locate ailments quickly.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780646560335
RRP: $19.95

In Your Face by Elizabeth McNish . In Your Face
Elizabeth McNish

The magical method of making the move from mediocre to mesmerising
“It is your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude...”
With this piece of home-spun wisdom Elizabeth Macnish begins her guidebook on how to pick yourself off the floor after life has dealt you a stunning blow. Elizabeth writes with the victim’s experience. This gives her advice the aura of present-day reality and good sense and that makes her book worth reading.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921787195
RRP: $24.95

Your Professional Headspace  by Scott Charlton . Your Professional Headspace
Scott Charlton

Achieving career success and personal fulfilment as a professional in practice

Too busy looking after clients to consider yourself? Feel like you're in a washing machine, wrung out at the end of the spin cycle? If so, parking your soul at the door of the office each day and going through the motions is not the answer.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781921787553
RRP: $34.95

Stay on Message  by Paul Ritchie . Stay on Message
Paul Ritchie

The spin doctor's guide to effective and authentic communication

Stay on Message reveals the simple yet powerful tools that will allow you to communicate effectively and authentically in a world with unlimited media possibilities.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780980757804
RRP: $32.95

. . The Hollywood Survival Guide
Kym Jackson

Your handbook to becoming a working actor in L.A.

The Hollywood Survival Guide is not only tailored for Aussie actors coming to or in Hollywood, but for actors anywhere who want to become "smart actors" and understand how each facet of the entertainment industry works, and how it affects you as the actor.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9872316-0-4
RRP: $39.95

Accountants - The Natural Trusted Advisors by Colin Dunn . Accountants - The Natural Trusted Advisors
Colin Dunn

Accountants are routinely awarded the accolade of ‘trusted advisor’. Yet many accountants, bogged down with compliance work, spend most of their time writing history instead of helping their clients make history. There has been much talk about how accountants should embrace value based, business improvement services so that they can step up and truly embrace their trusted advisor status. Yet little has been written on how to go about doing that in a way that sits firmly within the accountant’s heartland – the numbers.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781922022097
RRP: $34.95

Your Professional Headspace  by Scott Charlton . Accounting Practices Don't Add Up!
Rob Nixon

Why they don’t and what to do about it

The traditional Accounting ‘Practice’ model is outdated. Your clients do not want an accountant who is just an order taker. What they do want is an accounting firm that looks to the future and provides them with timely advice on what they should be doing now to improve their businesses and ultimately to help them achieve their financial and lifestyle goals. If you want to be that firm, you need to read ‘Accounting Practices Don’t Add Up’ to learn how.

Format: Paperback + Hardcover
ISBN: 9781921787355

Advice for a Young Surgeon  by John C. Hall . Advice for a Young Surgeon
John C. Hall

This instructive short book is born from the day-to-day experiences of a successful academic surgeon.

Divided into forty-two concise essays, this small book contains straight forward pragmatic advice about the development of a surgical career. It complements the usual surgical texts and details the hurdles that need to be overcome to be become an expert surgeon. It is full of wisdom borne of experience.

Format: Paperback + eBook
ISBN: 9781922022042
RRP: $24.95

When it's Hit the Fan  by Elizabeth Jane Wilks . When it's Hit the Fan
Elizabeth Jane Wilks

Achieving career success and personal fulfilment as a professional in practice

Being an entrepreneur involves taking risks and Elizabeth Jane Wilks has taken more than most. Riding the initial wave of the boom in the UK was a brave and foolhardy venture, but for one woman the dream of taking a company to the stock market was a driving passion.

Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780980757859
RRP: $24.95

Gluten-Free KISS Method of Cooking  by Sandy Koutalis . Gluten Free KISS Method of Cooking
Sandy Koutalis

When cooking gluten-free you must read the fine print on labels. I have garnered an endorsement from the Coeliac Society of Australia with all the recipes in the gluten free kiss method of cooking. Through trial and error I have a selection of recipes that are delightful for everybody, from soups such as vegetable soup to chicken involtini [a good dinner time fare], a creamy yummy baked cheesecake or a simple, tasty tuna bake. Yum for the whole family.

Format: 108pp Spiral Mound A5 210mm x 148mm
ISBN: 9781922022288
RRP: $30.00

KISS Method of Cooking  by Sandy Koutalis . KISS Method of Cooking
Sandy Koutalis

The KISS Method of Cooking has selections for entrée, main meal, desserts and treats to spoil you. The soups are quick, delicious and simple to make. Side dishes include mango with two-minute noodles, sweet potato mash, cheats fried rice and so much more. There is a simple way to make white sauce without lumps in the microwave.

Format: 86pp Spiral Mound A5 210mm x 148mm
ISBN: 9781921787409
RRP: $30.00

Marketing Made Easy for Celebrants  by Anita Revel . Marketing Made Easy for Celebrants
Anita Revel

Boost your bookings with easy and effective marketing methods

Celebrants know how to create and deliver beautiful, personalised ceremonies. But with the ever-growing number of Celebrants in Australia today, getting noticed (and hired!) is the key to making a living from the work you love. As competition increases, only marketing-savvy Celebrants will build a thriving business. Don’t be left behind!

Format: 116pp Paperback C 229mm x 152mm
ISBN: 9780980443967
RRP: $34.95

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