Leading Positive Safety
Dr Vanessa Cook + Anthony Gibbs
Why 86% of safety cultures are negative, and how yours doesn't have to be
Despite advancements in workplace safety, 86% of organizations still operate with a negative safety culture. Leading Positive Safety advocates for a paradigm shift, focusing on the presence of safety across physical, social, and psychological dimensions. Drawing from over two decades of research, the authors present eight science-based principles and practical steps to foster a positive safety culture, improve productivity, and create thriving, inclusive workplaces where safety drives success. |
Just Add Spirit
Sandra Krempl
A key to living in the changing paradigm
The world over, organisations structure their business plans around vision, mission, and values statements. However, these are not economic words! They are motivational words that describe qualities of spirit – important for wellbeing, and to reach our potential. Yet how many organisations include the fostering of spirit in their processes?
Leader Resilience
Lynda Folan
The NEW Frontier of Leadership
How do you effectively support and lead others through troubled times? What makes a transformational leader? Are great leaders born or made?From years of working with people, teams and organisations across the globe and researching what makes an effective leader thrive, Lynda Folan, brings you a new way of conceptualising leadership.
An Intelligent Guide to Real Estate Development
Ron Forlee
What every developer and investor should know about real estate development
Architect and successful international real estate developer Ron Forlee shares his many secrets in this high risk, high reward industry. With this practical “how to” guide, you too may be able to capitalise on the next real estate boom, or even the next burst of the real estate bubble..
Fast Track to Passive Income
Ron Forlee
The indispensable guide to building a secure passive income for retirement
Fast Track to Passive Income is an in-depth guide to building a multimillion-dollar real estate portfolio via sound development and investment strategies, thus securing a passive retirement income. This is an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a secure way to fund their retirement.
Tony Wilson
How to reclaim your time and do more of what really matters
This book is a field guide to becoming Unbusy. It is not merely about finding time and space to reflect and disconnect, it is about how we manage ourselves, our priorities and our days to do things that we know make us more productive, valuable and fulfilled. Ironically, being Unbusy will help you get more done.
250 Tax Saving Tips
Darren Gleeson
This book details 250 tax saving tips and ideas, that if implemented will save you tax. It doesn’t matter whether you are an employee, investor, or business owner, there are tax strategies that apply to your circumstances.
The Writer's Quick-Start Guide
Brendan Lloyd
Modern Know-How To Supercharge Your Creative Writing
From a reality check to manage your expectations of the creative industry, to valuable insight into writing scripts including video game scripts, advice to improve your writing, mistakes to avoid, and creative affirmations to boost your confidence. This book might not have everything, but it sure beats having nothing - 'nothing' isn't even a worthy opponent for this book!
The Super Secret
Nigel Baker
Unlock the secrets to how the really SMART money INVESTS!
Nigel possesses high standards, discipline, work ethic, integrity and vast experience in Wealth Management. This book reflects his great ability to provide clarity and practical investment advice in plain English for us all to understand and implement.
– Stirling Mortlock AM, former Captain of the Australian Rugby Team
The Corona Dilemma
Ron Bartsch
20-20 thinking for the next normal
Professor Ron Bartsch has developed a simple and powerful thinking framework with a focus on creativity to help visualise, negotiate and shape the next normal. In our dramatically restructured economy and society, old assumptions won’t get us back on our feet—thinking creatively will.
Working Mums
Danielle Ross Walls & Louise Correcha
Stories by mums on how they manage children, work and life
Working Mums is a collection of empowering stories that will make working mums everywhere laugh in sympathy and nod in recognition. The stories are from Australian mums doing a range of work in addition to raising their children, including working full-time, part-time or freelance, studying, or running their own businesses. The stories are different yet in many ways universal – not unlike the journey of parenting itself.
Swapping Desks
Robert McMaster
Pioneering business succession via employee ownership
McMaster's employee-owned cooperative business structure has been hailed as a “Proof of Concept” and offers others a business succession model that could make a significant difference in the lives of company owners and their employees. Rob’s ground-breaking experience has the potential to change the future direction of succession planning for individuals and businesses across Australia.
Continuous Improvement
Gregory J Kilbey
Why it is essential to the success of your business and how to achieve it
When you work with Continuous Improvement (CI), you are forever looking for ways to do what you do better, more effectively and more efficiently, to ensure progress and success in your business. You understand your ongoing success is dependent on anticipating and adjusting to change. This book will enable you to implement a successful and sustainable CI program in your organisation—one that will survive executive change and succession.
The Marketer’s Guide to Law Firms
Dr Genevieve Burnett + Sally King
How to build bridges between fee earners and fee burners in your firm
By taking you on a journey through the structure and culture of law firms, as well as the different way lawyers and marketers think, this book will help you understand what makes both lawyers and their firms tick. Most importantly, it will give you the analytical framework to build more productive relationships with lawyers, so you can work together to create marketing and business development campaigns that deliver concrete results.
The Speedy Startup
Samantha Hurst
Launch a business in less than three hours
In the time it takes to finish this book, you will be ready to start your own business - even if you have no idea what it is! Samantha Hurst guides you through quick and easy ways to create, open and succeed in your business – the very same time-saving techniques she uses as an entrepreneur, business owner and self-made millionaire.
The Entrepreneurial Clinician
Jo Muirhead
This book will show you how to break the status quo using a proven roadmap to become empowered, engaged and entrepreneurial in your own practice.
Learn to do the work you love, the way you love to do it, with the people you are best able to serve. And start changing healthcare from the inside out.
Nicola Moras
'VISIBLE will help you reverse engineer your dream and to put in place the plan to provide for a solid foundation of serious growth and monetization.’
VISIBLE shows you how you can use social media for your business gain. You will learn how you can strategically spend a small amount of time on social media to create visibility, impact and revenue.
Tax Savings for 201 Employee Occupations
Darren Gleeson
Tax Savings for 201 Employee Occupations details tax saving strategies and ideas for 201 different employee occupations. It doesn’t matter what the occupation is, there are tax strategies that commonly apply to that occupation.
The Personal Training Business Bible
Jason Grossman
How to build a 6 then 7 figure fitness business
There is a better way. It really is possible to build a business that supports the lifestyle you dream of for you and your family. And that is exactly what this book is about: creating a large fitness business that allows you to pursue your passion for helping people while you also create your dream lifestyle.
The Tracksuit Economy
Emma Heuston
How to work productively and effectively from home
Trouble fitting your personal life into the corporate world? Struggle to balance work with parenting? Yearning for a life outside the office? Welcome to the world of the flexible professional. ‘The Tracksuit Economy’ is an inspiring guide to finding a work-life balance that works for you.
Third Age Careers
Bruce Marshall
Finding Fulfilment in Your Later Years
Drawing on cutting edge scientific, social and psychological research, the author maps the terrain you must navigate to harness your strengths, maintain a competitive edge, and realise your goals and dreams.
Imagine, refine and design a future career path that will fill you with zest and purpose. |
201 Tax Saving Strategies
Darren Gleeson
Often taxpayers are unaware of all the tax saving strategies that are available. This is understandable as the Australian taxation system is extremely complicated and ever changing. Up-to-date information is the key to ensuring taxpayers are not paying more tax than necessary. The focus of this book is to educate and enlighten taxpayers about the 201 selected tax saving strategies that are legally available. |
103 Tax Haven Escapes
Darren Gleeson
Mention the words ‘tax haven’ to the average taxpayer, and they immediately think of tropical islands, numbered bank accounts, and the rich, famous and shady, all evading tax. Their observations are correct, but only the tip of the iceberg, as tax havens are so much more.
103 Tax Haven Escapes sheds some light on tax havens, and takes away some of the mystery. You will learn about what they are, how they work, where they are, and why they are so popular.
The Guru's Guide to Self-Managed Super Funds
Grant Abbott
The $700 billion (and growing) Super powerhouse explained plus the insider secrets
Whether you have or are considering a self-managed super fund (SMSF), are advising on a SMSF as an accountant, financial planner, auditor or product developer, or simply have an interest in Australia’s $700 billion super powerhouse, The Guru’s Guide to SMSFs will become your “Go-To Guide” and SMSF pathway for years to come. |
Bold Accountant
Scott Charlton
Become the complete adviser your clients need you to be
Bold Accountant is a helpful guide for accountants who aspire to provide more than just tax-related services to their clients. The author, Scott Charlton, has created a fascinating glimpse into your future accounting firm, based upon insights gathered from hundreds of accounting practices. |
Paul Broadfoot
Innovate your business model, disrupt your market, fast-hack into the future
Another enterprise has entered your space. A new startup has changed the prevailing way business is done in your industry. Are you scared? You should be. Technology is shifting so rapidly that it is driving new business models, bringing with it new market innovation opportunities. |
Take the Brakes Off!
Adrian Dignam
How can organisational change be transformational when 37 per cent of the expected benefits go ‘missing in action’?What happens to obstruct the realisation of these benefits, and why? What are the key leverage points that will reduce friction and get you up to speed?
In Take the Brakes Off, Adrian Dignam explains how organisational performance can be substantially improved through the application of systems thinking to strategic planning, and the operation of the strategic planning system as a dynamic model of the enterprise.
Tax Planning Made Simple
Darren Gleeson
Tax Planning Made Simple breaks the tax planning process down into six easy steps. Each step is detailed with instructions, guidance, examples, resources and templates so you can start providing expert tax planning services to your clients. It is really about giving you the tools, so you can add value to your clients and save them tax. Later, separate chapters cover tax planning software options, marketing, training and development, and keeping it all legal.
Intelligent Accountant
Darren Gleeson
Digital disruption in the accounting industry is now accelerating so even long established and highly profitable practices need to adapt and change. Charles Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest is now in play so all practices need to ensure they are ‘fit’ and not only survive, but thrive.
Intelligent Accountant details strategies, concepts and ideas to transform your practice.
Leadership on Top
Richard Searle
Leadership On Top shares powerful ideas, methods and lessons which have been used by thousands of senior managers and others to become effective and fulfilled leaders of their business and organisation.
“In the future, pioneering programs like this will become a pre-requisite for leadership.”
– Radek Sali, CEO, Swisse
Going Private in the Helping Professions
Adam Peaty & Joanne Thorpe
Going Private in the Helping Professions is a handy guide for helping professionals who may be considering starting up a private practice, or who have already started one and want to check if they are heading in the right direction. It covers the initial planning phase, the necessary compliance issues, practicalities, how to market a private practice, ethical issues and practitioner self-care.
Stairway to Profits
Darren Gleeson
150 strategies, concepts and ideas, that if implemented will give you a more profitable, more valuable, and more enjoyable business. These strategies apply irrespective of the type of business you own, the size of the business, or even your level of business experience. They have the potential to transform your business.
Trends in Project Management
Quay Consulting
Project management is a multifaceted discipline and the path to success presents significant challenges for many organisations. Effective project managers build the bridge between business need and technology capability, thus mitigating risk and promoting the desired outcomes of projects, programmes and portfolio management. In this compilation, Quay delivers articulate thought leadership and insights on effective transformation and practical, real-world experience for delivering successful projects.
Cybersecurity Counter-offensive Guide
Baker McKenzie
The Guide has been launched in response to a wave of new cybersecurity legislation throughout the Asia Pacific region to regulate and monitor cybersecurity. Knowing the obligations in each jurisdiction and how each relevant regulator or court operates in practice is essential to navigating a response to a data breach incident and understanding which legal remedies may be available.
Challenge the Status Quo
Lilianna Kovacevic
How to live and breath amid organisational chaos
This is a practical, easy-to-follow book, including tips that you can adapt to the dynamics of your organisation. At its core is the premise that the freedom to be oneself within the corporate world is not only beneficial to individuals but positively impacts the bottom line.
Remaining Relevant
Rob Nixon
The Future of the Accounting Profession
In 2011, Rob published his first book Accounting Practices Don’t Add Up!, an insightful yet practical guide for firms to move beyond the limitations of the traditional ‘practice’ model. Since then, the explosion of cloud computing and its impact on the accounting industry is the impetus for Rob’s latest book Remaining Relevant. It’s all about the future of the accounting profession.
Mechanical, Spatial and Abstract Reasoning
Craig MacKellar
Mechanical, Spatial and Abstract Reasoning ability is a key element in identifying aspects of person’s general intelligence. That is why the vast majority of psychometric tests will have a component that relates to abstract and spatial reasoning.
This book will provide a measure of eductive ability or fluid intelligence which is relatively independent of specific learning acquired in a particular cultural or educational context.
Attaining Ultimate Results
from your Loyalty Club
Trevor Taylor
This book uncovers the secrets used in casinos in driving revenue and extra visitation from members. It describes the best strategies in retaining your members and how to attract new members or activate extra visitation from your existing members.
Marketing today is moving away from once off transactional marketing to more long term profitable relationship marketing. Attaining Ultimate Results from your Loyalty Club uncovers those secrets that companies should be using to gain market share.
Making the Connection
Essays on Indigenous Digital Excellence
Making the Connection records a range of perspectives about the path to digital excellence: from the social media practitioner to the corporate CEO; from stakeholders in remote areas to city locations; from the academic perspectives to those who will make change happen. There are hard-won lessons and questions, but there is a firm focus on the prize - digital inclusion across Indigenous Australia and the important steps needed to get there.
Partnering with Accountants
Scott Charlton
Your guide the the ultimate referral destination
t last, here is a complete guide which explains how to develop and maintain long-lasting referral arrangements with accountants. The author, Scott Charlton, has included numerous suggestions based upon his 30 plus years of experience about what works in practice.
Influence People
Peter Anthony
Influence is an essential skill in business and in life. Influence involves having quality conversations with people to deepen relationships and achieve things together. Peter Anthony has taken twenty years of advertising and corporate consulting experience to develop a practical six step approach to improving any conversation you have.
The Effective Change Manager
Change Management Institute
‘The Effective Change Manager’ is designed for change management practitioners, employers, authors, academics and anyone with an interest in this growing professional discipline of change management. This first edition The Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) draws on the experience of more than six hundred change management professionals in thirty countries.
Break the Entrepreneurial Struggle
Matthew Snelleksz
Let ’s face it; the majority of business owners today are unhappy, frustrated and disillusioned. They have been in business for 5, 10 or even 15 years and they are still struggling financially. They’re working up to 80 hours a week, not spending enough time with their family and friends, the business is not making enough money for them to enjoy, they can’t take holidays with the kids, they’re stressed-out, over-worked and under-paid.
Hand Splinting / Orthotic Intervention
Judith Wilton
Principles of Design and Fabrication 2nd Edition
Hand splinting / orthotic fabrication is a vital intervention used by occupational and physiotherapists to restore optimum hand function in patients/clients whose upper limbs have been affected by congenital conditions, disease or trauma.
The Revenue Revolution for Law Firms
Matt Schlyder
In Australia 95.6% of private firms are operating practices with between 1 and 4 partners. How is your firm positioned within this highly competitive market? What are you doing to stand out?
The Revenue Revolution for Law Firms is designed to guide your legal practice to achieve long-term PROFITABILITY and CASH FLOW success. |
The Biology of Government
Greg Lawrence
The role of government is to look to the well-being of the people and to maintain and improve the quality of the environment. In other words, government is animal husbandry and ecosystem management – it is applied biology.
Lifting the Fog on Business Intelligence
Ferenc Mantfeld
A business reference to successful BI implementations for executives and managers
Lifting the Fog on Business Intelligence takes a business approach to successfully implementing BI projects and describes what has worked and what has not. It also goes through a list of considerations, what are the ingredients and the recipe for success and what are six major reasons that BI projects fail to deliver. |
Stay on Message
Paul Ritchie
The spin doctor's guide to effective and authentic communication
Stay on Message reveals the simple yet powerful tools that will allow you to communicate effectively and authentically in a world with unlimited media possibilities.
Advice for a Young Surgeon
John C. Hall
This instructive short book is born from the day-to-day experiences of a successful academic surgeon.
Divided into forty-two concise essays, this small book contains straight forward pragmatic advice about the development of a surgical career. It complements the usual surgical texts and details the hurdles that need to be overcome to be become an expert surgeon. It is full of wisdom borne of experience.
Your Professional Headspace
Scott Charlton
Achieving career success and personal fulfilment as a professional in practice
Too busy looking after clients to consider yourself? Feel like you're in a washing machine, wrung out at the end of the spin cycle? If so, parking your soul at the door of the office each day and going through the motions is not the answer.
The Hollywood Survival Guide
Kym Jackson
Your handbook to becoming a working actor in L.A.
The Hollywood Survival Guide is not only tailored for Aussie actors coming to or in Hollywood, but for actors anywhere who want to become "smart actors" and understand how each facet of the entertainment industry works, and how it affects you as the actor.
Accountants - The Natural Trusted Advisors
Colin Dunn
Accountants are routinely awarded the accolade of ‘trusted advisor’. Yet many accountants, bogged down with compliance work, spend most of their time writing history instead of helping their clients make history. There has been much talk about how accountants should embrace value based, business improvement services so that they can step up and truly embrace their trusted advisor status. Yet little has been written on how to go about doing that in a way that sits firmly within the accountant’s heartland – the numbers.
Accounting Practices Don't Add Up!
Rob Nixon
Why they don’t and what to do about it
The traditional Accounting ‘Practice’ model is outdated. Your clients do not want an accountant who is just an order taker. What they do want is an accounting firm that looks to the future and provides them with timely advice on what they should be doing now to improve their businesses and ultimately to help them achieve their financial and lifestyle goals. If you want to be that firm, you need to read ‘Accounting Practices Don’t Add Up’ to learn how.
Marketing Made Easy for Celebrants
Anita Revel
Boost your bookings with easy and effective marketing methods
Celebrants know how to create and deliver beautiful, personalised ceremonies. But with the ever-growing number of Celebrants in Australia today, getting noticed (and hired!) is the key to making a living from the work you love. As competition increases, only marketing-savvy Celebrants will build a thriving business. Don’t be left behind!
More Business Books to come soon!