Coffee-Table / Photographic Books
Kojonup: For King & Country
Louise Higham
Kojonup: For King and Country contains 370 personal stories about Kojonup citizens who served in the Second World War.
They served on the frontline overseas and on mainland Australia. Some flew in Bomber Command over Germany and Occupied Europe. Two joined a guerilla group in the Kimberley, several joined commando units, and one served in Borneo with Z Force.
They were wounded in action; suffered debilitating illnesses. Some returned physically maimed or emotionally impaired.
Several were captured in North Africa and on Crete and interned in German camps for almost four years. More became prisoners of the Japanese when Singapore fell and endured appalling privations. Some died, including on the notorious Burma railway. And on the Sandakan death march.
They lie buried in foreign soil or lost forever in impenetrable jungle.
Their diverse experiences were united by the common intent – to defend Australia and halt fascism and aggressive expansionism. This book records their commitment and sacrifice.
The Nature of the Jarrah Forest
Eric McCrum & Janine McCrum
The Nature of the Jarrah Forest describes the plants and animals that occur in the Jarrah Forest. This book gives a glimpse into the complexity of the relationships within the biota, and some of their special adaptions for survival.
Chapter by chapter plant life is described: mosses and lichens, fungi, oddities like gymnosperms, flowering plants with a separate chapter on orchids and of course, overstory trees. Then follows the animals beginning with mini-beasts: worms to grasshoppers, beetles to butterflies and spiders to centipedes. Next the larger animals: amphibians and reptiles, birds and finally mammals. Each entry has a photograph and a description which may include a fascinating snippet of information.
Prolifically illustrated with photographs by Eric and Janine, this guide is designed to be used by anyone with an interest in natural history. This book is the realisation of Eric's dream to spread the message, to all generations, of the intricacies of living things, by looking closely within the Jarrah Forest.
Damien Lewis
The Wonderful Things We No Longer Use
Throughout history, people have invented machines, devices, and contrivances to improve all aspects of our lives. Over time many of these have disappeared from our everyday world.
This delightful coffee table book showcases 50 beautiful images of these wonderful things from our past and shares a little history of each item. It invites you on an engaging journey of discovery, transporting you back to where these objects may once have resided years before. Inside, you will find vibrant photographs of these once-everyday items from the 1800s to the 1960s, from the elegant to the unusual, things used by storytellers, singers, shopkeepers, and spies.
Making Marks
edited by Gali Weiss + Barbara Kameniar
Australia and Afghanistan
Making Marks: Australia and Afghanistan is the second book to emerge from Unfolding Projects, a longitudinal international arts exchange project between a group of women artists in Australia, and women undertaking literacy and vocational classes at the Organisation of Promoting Afghan Women’s Capabilities (OPAWC) in Kabul.
100 Years, 100 Paintings
Robert Habel
‘100 Years, 100 Paintings’ reflects on the history of long-serving community organisation, UnitingSA, through the eyes of an artist deeply connected to its cause and its Port Adelaide roots.
Layering a rich personal accumulation of images, experiences and methods, his vision and insights are always trained on ‘the local’.
Comprising 100 oil paintings, Habel’s artwork is inspired by the changing social and physical environments that embrace both artist and organisation.
From Woodanilling to War
Louise Higham
From Woodanilling to War is the history of a West Australian rural community through the two World Wars of the twentieth century.
Drawn extensively from the official records of the National Archives and the Australian War Memorial, as well as from a range of state and local publications and from residents of recent times, it details the military service of men and women from Woodanilling.
There are 240 personal stories. They range from Gallipoli, Egypt and the Western Front in the First World War to the Second World War waged in Europe and the Pacific, and the defence of northern Australia.
On Active Service 2
Louise Higham
A Biographical Dictionary of West Arthur
Residents of the district of West Arthur have a proud history of military service. They fought in the Great War at Gallipoli, in the Middle East and on the Western Front. In the Second World War they fought in North Africa and Europe, and in the South-West Pacific. They have served in the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Some have been decorated for outstanding bravery and awards include the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Military Cross and the Victoria Cross.
On Active Service II is not just a record of military service, it is a social history of a small rural community in Western Australia.
On Active Service
Louise Higham
Residents of Williams have served in almost every major conflict since Australia’s Federation. Some were killed in the great battles on the Western Front in the First World War. Others returned shell-shocked or as amputees. Some died in the Second World War as Japanese prisoners on the notorious Thai-Burma railway. One in Z Force was executed.
They have flown in choppers above the Vietnam jungle and over the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan. A few have been decorated for outstanding bravery, and awards include two Distinguished Flying Crosses and three Military Crosses.
Horisumi Kian Forreal
Nestled in a mountainous region in central Japan is a small town called Gifu and is the home of Horikashi’s private studio. Horikashi is a tebori master; the ancient art of Japanese tattooing by hand.
After doing a 13 year apprenticeship under a Japanese tattoo master and family, learning the ways of tebori and also making the tattoo hand tools from scratch, Horikashi has owned his own studio for 7 years where he tattoos and paints full time. Known for his large scale traditional Japanese body suits, and also for his incredible painting and art skills, he has collated his best irezumi artwork and their corresponding outlines in to one epic reference book: Horikashi Vol.1
This is a limited edition collectors item and a beautiful representation of Master Horikashi ‘s skill and dedication to tattoo art.
Middleton Beach
Murray Arnold
Middleton Beach is a unique place holding special memories for generations of Western Australians. Not only is the Middleton Beach area significant in European eyes; for millennia Binalup, its original name, has been an important source of food and shelter for the Menang people. Murray Arnold has recorded the early days of history and has transported us to the present day with a combination of assiduous research, engaging stories and a keen sense of place that is important for all who live or visit there
An Artist’s Journey of the Endangered Species
Cherry Demir
Colour is a dynamic force in art and life. An Artist’s Journey of the Endangered Species delves into the use of colour, space and artistic interpretation of some endangered animals in order to raise not only awareness, but also to entice a sense of empathy and connection.
Each subject has been created with a consideration of colour flow, movement and stance in order to provide an original representation of each animal. All originals have been painted in oils.
Anti-Inflammatory Eating
Recipes from your Dietitian's Kitchen
This hardback cook book will help you become the healthiest YOU possible.
As dietitians who specialise in working with people that suffer with inflammatory conditions, such as osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Psoriatic arthritis, and Gout, the thing we get asked for the most are recipes. So, we have put together a collection of quick, easy and most importantly, tasty meal and snack ideas that aim to reduce the inflammation burden within the body.
I don't know what to say but...
Antoinette Koutsomihalis
Grief and Loss
I may not know what to say during your time of grief but,
in giving you this book, it provides the words I wish to find
to express my deepest condolences and sympathies
on the loss of your loved one.
Trench Art
Judy Waugh
The stories behind the talismans
The pieces of trench art were made amid conflict and turmoil, but all are beautiful - intuitive works of art about music, faith, love and honour. 57 pieces are from WWI. All are signed with name and service number. Most are small and tactile, often worn as a fob.
Many are made from coins and brass from the battlefield; some are carved in bone and wood. Most belonged to young soldiers who were killed in action or died of their wounds - at Gallipoli, France and Flanders, Palestine and Mesopotamia. Twelve belonged to Anzacs.
The Tobacco Pioneers
A Family History
This remarkable history celebrates the business skills, energy and determination of brothers, Peter and Michael Michelides, not only in their pioneering of the tobacco and cigarette manufacturing industry in Western Australia in the face of overwhelming odds, but also their leading roles in the development and growth of a vibrant Greek community in Perth.
Model Chocolate
A recipe Book
Abigail O'Neill All the healthy and delicious chocolate you can eat, and more! 84 superfood chocolate recipes in the chapters: Breakfasts and Snacks, Raw Chocolate Love, Fashionable Desserts, Cacao Elixirs and Miscellaneous Recipes. Featuring inspirational fashion/beauty imagery throughout, Model Chocolate is as visually enriching, as it is enticing to the appetite. Mostly raw and prepared in minutes, there are gluten free, sugar free, dairy free or nut free recipes to suit everyone, and enliven any occasion.
Two Trees
Australian Artists' Books to Afghanistan and back
Edited by Gali Weiss, Barbara Kameniar and Matthias Tomczak
Two Trees is a book of women’s artists’ books, made up of Australian images and Afghan stories. It is a book of women’s strength and creativity, of women’s capacity to reach out to one another across time and space, across culture and difference, across distance and separation, and to find a space in which to touch one another in unanticipated ways.
A History of the Shire of Plantagenet
Rhoda Glover
Plantagenet County was explored in 1829 by Surgeon T. B. Wilson R.N., then later by Governor James Stirling and charted by Surveyor Septimus Roe. The resulting map showed forests and valleys of good land, lakes, swamps, lagoons and rivers. Between the Kent River and the Hay River was ‘Rich and beautiful country’. Aboriginals knew it well and had thrived on its bounty for countless generations. But the second comers, the differently cultured white immigrants forced out of their own land by poverty and a yearning for a better life, had much to learn — even for survival. The way they learned is the theme of this history; its scope a century and a half of endeavour and achievement.
Jinkers & Whims
A pictorial history of timber-getting
By Jack Bradshaw
This fascinating coffee-table hardcover book traces the development of the methods and machines used to harvest the forests of Western Australia over the last 150 years, from first settlement to the present day, from horse and steam power to modern mechanical harvesters. It describes the bush workings and logging operations that underpinned WA’s sawmilling industry — once the third largest industry in the state behind wheat and wool. It is also a tribute to the skill and innovation of the bushmen and engineers who brought about the changes and who designed and built those weird and wonderful machines that were unique to the industry and to this part of the world.
I, Cott Dog
David Hocking
In this unique photographic series, David Hocking provides us with a snapshot of life in Cottesloe, Western Australia, as told almost exclusively through the eyes of its dogs (and their owners).
"...It's funny and quite fascinating." - SCOOP Magazine |
Views Beyond the Furthest Fence
100 Years of Outback Mission
This book is a tribute to the vision and work
of John Flynn, and to the many others who
have endeavoured to serve the Lord Jesus
Christ and His Church in the Outback.
To celebrate the Centenary Year of the
founding of the AIM, Stuart Bonnington's
review of the outback ministry, along with Stephen
Dyer's photographic record of this ministry,
are brought together..
Love in Action #1
Heal Africa
In the Democratic Republic of Congo over the last twenty years, six million men, women and children have died as a result of civil wars, ongoing violent
conflict and the poverty, disease and injuries that followed. But amidst this tragic loss of life, hope still lives. Love in Action: HEAL Africa tells the remarkable story of a thriving development partnership.
Love in Action #2
Taking Action Against Poverty
Love in Action is a story of hope: how one neighbourhood, Manly, in Sydney, Australia - formed a relationship with the people of Manado, Indonesia, to take action against poverty. From its small beginnings this grassroots movement has captured the imagination of Manly's wider community.
Noosa Inspirations
Adam Gormley
A Celebration of Nature and Colour
Explore the natural beauty of the Northern Sunshine Coast
Off The Leash #1
Dogs of Melbourne
A local photographic project celebrating the diversity of life & activity with Melbourne dogs and their owners.
Off The Leash #2
Dogs of Melbourne
A local photographic project celebrating the diversity of life & activity with Melbourne dogs and their owners.
The Turkish Oil Men
Australian photojournalist Tom Wyness (pictured below with legendary Turkish oil wrestler Ahmet Tasci) visited Turkey for the first time in 2009. After learning about the famous Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Festival, he visited this and other wrestling tournaments over the next twelve months, to photograph this ancient Turkish sport. This book tells the story of Turkish oil wrestling through his eyes..
More coffee-table books to come soon!

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