Would you like to see your manuscript published? Vivid Publishing, a division of Fontaine Publishing Group, supplies the necessary book trade publishing expertise including professional editing, quality custom book production and specialised book printing experience, giving your next title the best chance possible in the marketplace, for those authors willing to back themselves. Vivid Publishing also provides budget solutions for personal publishing ventures, writing assistance and editing, book printing and book cover and interior design services. Vivid books are listed with the National Library of Australia and TitlePage®, enabling your book to be easily found, discovered and ordered by bookstores, libraries, trade distributors and readers.
Vivid authors now also have the option of listing their books with our publishing partners Ingram - the world's largest book distributor. This means it will be made available to a worldwide audience via Amazon, Booktopia (Australia), Barnes & Noble, Book Depository and thousands of other retail outlets via VIVID print-on-demand, and also as an ebook for the Kindle, KOBO, Google Play and iBook platforms.
Our most successful Vivid authors began with a plan, pounded the pavement (virtual and real-world) with a well written & designed, professional looking 'bookstore quality' book, enough stock and sold direct to an audience they understood and knew how to reach. A bulk order provides easy opportunity and low enough unit price to share, sell, give to bookstore managers and reviewers, and get into the hands of local media. Many professionals gladly give away their $30 paperback book (for the cost of around $5) and receive bookings worth thousands of dollars. Others obtain high price consulting contracts using the book as a door opener.
Vivid authors have fulfilled life-long dreams, some have achieved bestseller status on Amazon, plenty others have had their books stocked in bookstores, have ordered multiple reprints, and over one dozen of our Vivid authors have been offered national book trade distribution for their books.
Since 2008, Vivid Publishing has published over one thousand titles comprising tens of millions of printed pages - specialised book publishing industry experience does count.
Check out what our authors say about about Fontaine Publishing Group here.