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Family Matters
Relationships Matter

Dr. Vandana Deshmukh


Relationships and both immediate and extended family are often regarded as the primary support systems for most individuals. A breakdown in relationships or marital or family disharmony frequently manifests as psychological distress. Therefore, developing skills and strategies to resolve relationship issues is essential for maintaining psychological health.

This book offers valuable insights into couples and other relationship difficulties. It provides a foundation for understanding and maintaining harmony within couples and other relationships. The book outlines specific, psychologically healthy practices that foster a strong sense of belonging within families.


About the Author

Dr. Vandana Deshmukh:  Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Vandana Deshmukh is a Clinical Psychologist, in Private Practice, in Sydney, Australia She completed her training in Homeopathic Medicine, from Mumbai, India. She also graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, in Psychology and History, from the University of Mumbai. She then lived as an expatriate, in Oman, for 14 years. She completed her Master of Arts, in History, from the University of Mumbai, via distance education. In 2002, Vandana migrated to Sydney, Australia. Here, she completed her professional training with a Masters in Clinical Psychology, from the University of Western Sydney (now Western Sydney University), and her PhD, related to Medical Psychology, from the University of Sydney.



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ISBN: 978-1-923078-27-7
Format: Paperback 216mm x 140mm
Extent: 112 pages
RRP: $32.95
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Non-Fiction -- Relationships
Distribution: Contact Vivid