Vivid Publishing - Book Publishers Australia

Skullboy & the Leap of Faith

Scott Hewitt

Illustrations by Andi Espinosa and Jessie S. A'Bel


Skullboy and the Leap of Faith is a beautifully illustrated, motivational children's book like no other! It is 48 pages, featuring full-page dazzling colour illustrations created by the super talented Andi Espinosa and Jessie S. A'Bell. 


Skullboy and the Leap Of Faith Trailer 2021 from Scott Hewitt on Vimeo.







Skullboy & the Leap of Faith by Scott Hewitt
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ISBN: 978-1-922565-92-1
Format: Hardcover 270mm x 210mm
Extent: 48 pages
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Illustrated Children's Fiction
Distribution: Contact Scott