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Stand the Test of Time

Helen Sly

100 Ways for Resilience, Happiness and Success

This book will be the only book you need to improve yourself, success, relationship, and resilience. Whatever life throws at you, you will be better equipped with the right mindset.

You will find practical and motivational advice to achieve your personal goals, healthier relationship, and more fulfilling life.

Anyone at any stage of life can relate to this book and benefit from its timeless messages of hope and empowerment.

You will be inspired to be the best version of yourself and live a successful life.

About the Author

Helen Sly is a Melbourne-based personal development author, mental health counselor, and business improvement professional. She holds a postgraduate degree and has won several leadership and motivator awards.
She coaches others in their personal transformation journeys and actively volunteers in her community.
One of her passions is to guide others to see themselves and life challenges from a new perspective to become the best version of themselves and reach their goals.



Stand the Test of Time by Helen Sly
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ISBN: 978-1-922788-97-9
Format: eBook
Extent: 108 pages
RRP: $2.99USD
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Self-Help
Distribution: Contact Vivid