The Place in Between is about accessing hidden potential. Exploring seven passions in depth, Helena Phillips writes about a much needed balance. She suggests that living as passionately alive and engaged human beings is hidden within a place of balance and centred relatedness to three aspects of our engagement with life: others, our ability to tolerate intra psychic tension and our need to connect with our often disengaged spirits. Addressing these three areas will well serve ourselves, our communities and our planet.
The Place in Between provides tools for psychotherapists, counsellors and psychologists. It provides hints on parenting. It is book for anyone wanting to live a life of passion. It is written in an easy accessible style with case and life examples relevant to all readers.
The challenge is to take on a productive life.
“In a productive love the calling forth of the other is not controlling or overpowering and it is not a contract where so much is given and received. It requires giving and receiving in a responsive dance where the movements are unknown and the beat changes.”
Helena Phillips began as a psychotherapist thirty years ago. She works in Private Practice as a psychologist in Gippsland, Victoria. She has an MA in Psychoanalytic Studies. Helena has two teaching qualifications and has worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at Monash University for seven years in both teaching and curriculum development.
Workshops: Working with Passion
Those who work continually with the psyches of others often find life for the therapist difficult and demanding to the point where exhaustion, rage, envy and boredom, to name only a few, take hold and lead to burnout.
This workshop encourages participants to recognise, explore and develop tools for dealing with the passions. It provides a theoretical base for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the passions.
Using profound but safe and often humorous creative writing and gestalt/Balint techniques for exploring the self and the client, the workshop will explore disowned and projected aspects of the both the client and the counsellor.
To book a workshop go to www.helenaphillipswriting.com.au
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