A fun look at words that sound the same but have different meaning, this short book encourages the reader or listener to think about the naming of things and actions. If a fly flies and an orange is orange why don’t we call a lemon a yellow?
The book does not answer the question as to the origin of words. It simply points to some examples of alternative meanings just for the fun of it. Maybe it will leave the reader wondering how some words came about.
Peter Jacob (Boek) is a retiree who has decided to try his hand at writing some thought provoking books. In his working life Peter worked in what is now called the IT field. Initially as a systems analyst/ programmer but in the last 20 or so years as a manager in both computer vendor companies such as CDC, Cray Research and Compaq but also in computer dependent organisations such as various Commonwealth government departments, Leading Edge Technologies in Melbourne and The Institute of High Performance Computing in Singapore. His style probably reflects the procedural approach a life with computers in scientific applications has engrained.