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Numerical Reasoning

Craig MacKellar

Emergency Services Training

This manual has been designed to assist applicants in preparing for the numerical reasoning component associated with most general ability tests used by organisations such as the:

Australian State Police Services

Fire and Rescue Services

Federal Police

St John Ambulance

Defence Forces

Ministry of Justice (Prisons)







Organisations seeking the most competitive applicants use a variety of testing to select the most suitable people for the job; part of that testing typically involves aptitude testing relating to, among other things, numerical and problem solving skills. 'Numerical Reasoning' problems are by no means an exhaustive list, but they will help you get through most general aptitude tests.


Paragon Corporate Training's Emergency Services' Preparatory Course has been developed to help you become super competitive in all aspects of general ability testing relating to the various emergency services throughout Australia. This program will:
– Bridge the gap between your existing knowledge and skills; and the skills and knowledge required to meet the selection criteria for the police, ambulance, prison and fire and rescue services.
– Allow graduates to perform to their full potential and therefore reflect a sound and competitive aptitude for learning.
– Focus on long term retention and competent application of knowledge and skills in a workplace context.



About the Author

Craig MacKellar

Craig Mackellar B.A. (Training & Development), Cert IV Assessment & Workplace Training is an experienced trainer, instructor and author and the Managing Director of Paragon Corporate Training.
Craig was an officer in the Western Australian Police Service for fifteen years and a WA Police Academy Instructor from 1992 – 1995. Craig has continued to work closely with police, emergency, and other public services in WA through his Security and Training businesses, as well as providing training to the private sector. Paragon Corporate Training is a Registered Training Organisation. Craig has authored a number of successful training books in the fields of numerical reasoning, language use, and mechanical, spatial and abstract reasoning.



Emergency Services Training series

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Numerical Reasoning by Craig MacKellar
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ISBN: 978-1-922788-25-2
Format: eBook
RRP: $9.99USD
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Reasoning (Psychology) --Testing.
Distribution: Contact Vivid


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